Remodelling The School Workforce

This Conference recognises that the experience of school remodelling for our members has been largely negative and counterproductive. Whilst it is true that some branches have recruited large numbers of support staff to the union on the back of the agreement, as yet this has not resulted in any major improvements in terms and conditions. […]

National Agreement on Remodelling the School Workforce

This Regional Local Government Committee believes the National Agreement on Remodelling the School Workforce is a document, which should provide an opportunity to review and significantly improve the terms, conditions and working lives of school support staff. However for many branches the reality is that Headteachers and Governors, with the abrogation of the LEA of […]

2004 NJC England, Wales and Northern Ireland Pay Claim – What a Difference Two Years Can Make

This Conference agrees to submit the following motion on behalf of the South East Region to the 2004 Local Government Conference. This Conference notes that in 2002 hundreds of thousands of UNISON members took strike action in support of a pay claim which called for a flat rate increase of £1750 or 6%, whichever was […]

Raising the Profile of Lesbian and Gay Self-Organisation in Colleges of Further Education

This Conference welcomes the call in the resolution “Branch, Steward and Workplace Organisation” of 2003 National Delegate Conference for the development of a programme of improving organisation in further education (FE) colleges. Conference believes that this programme should include initiatives to raise the profile of self-organisation in FE colleges and to encourage participation by FE […]

Community Development

Conference recalls the National Executive Council’s decision that UNISON affiliate to the Standing Conference for Community Development (SCCD) and that this decision was taken as a result of a proposal made in the first place by the Youth and Community Workers Forum to the Service Group Executive. The forum’s original aim was to seek to […]

Professional Indemnity

UNISON believes that it is the responsibility of the employer to cover any act or omission on the part of a member in the course of their employment under the vicarious liability of the employer. Nevertheless this Conference believes that the cover which UNISON provides to its members in Health should be extended to its […]

Black Children’s Educational Needs

Racism in UNISON

Conference believes all UNISON branches must have clear and transparent policies on equal opportunity and self-organisation groups firmly written into their branch rules. 1)National Black Members’ Committee (NBMC) and National Executive Council (NEC) to endorse the above recommendations with a growing need to tackle racial discrimination or any other form of discrimination within UNISON. 2)To […]

Promotion and Opportunities for Black Employees in Public Services

Conference believes that there is a ceiling of opportunities for promotion of black employees within the public services, in health and local government. The rate of black employees as compared to the black population within the public service employment falls below the acceptable level. Despite the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, which requires public service […]

UNISON’s Opposition to Institutional Racism

Conference notes that this, our tenth anniversary year also sees the tenth anniversary of the racist murder of Stephen Lawrence. We therefore welcome the fact that the National Executive Council has decided that this year our underlying anniversary theme will be opposing racism and promoting equality. Conference welcomes the fact that UNISON has developed an […]

The Issue of Racism in the Twentieth Century

Conference notes the recent BBC programme blowing the whistle by extremists among Greater Manchester Police recruits. A member of one of the Manchester Local Authority equal opportunity forums indicated that he was horrified that one of the forums had not met in over a year at a time when equal opportunities and race issues are […]

Asserting Rights Under Race Relations Act(s)

Text removed for legal reasons

Facility Time Off for Self-Organised Group Members

Currently members are finding it extremely difficult to attend and be actively involved in UNISON. Members have been continuously forced to take annual leave or flexi-time off for UNISON activities. Let us not have a separatist union of Them and Us. If UNISON is serious about equality then it should follow its own equality policies, […]

Institutional Racism:Learning from Experience

Conference welcomes the publication of the report Cyclonic Organisation Authority, Culture and Racism by Lambeth Council and of the report of the Lambeth Scrutiny Commission on Racism. We note that UNISON co-operated in the publication of both of these reports, which highlighted the problem of institutional racism in Lambeth Council. Conference further welcomes the decision […]

Northern Complainant Aid Fund

Conference is appalled and concerned about the way in which the closure of Northern Complainant Aid Fund (NCAF) was handled by the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE). NCAF has consistently emerged as the best ever practice model for Race Relations Act (1976) ‘Section 44 funding aimed at assisting organisations concerned with “the promotion of equality […]