Disabled People’s Manifesto

Conference the general election will be held on 7 May 2015. This is the first time we have known so far in advance the exact date of the general election and this gives us the opportunity to campaign for disabled peoples issues to be central to all election campaigns. When the Police and Crime Commissioner […]

Enough is Enough – Earn my Vote

This Conference has grave concerns about the impact of this government’s policies on disabled peopleand we agree that as disabled activists in this union we need to send this strong message out to all political parties in the run up to next year’s election that enough is enough. Conference notes with concern the impact of […]

Disabled Women and Food banks

Conference is concerned to hear that disabled people many disabled women hit by changes to the benefits system are having to rely on food banks, a survey of nearly 4000 disabled people carried out by the Disability Benefits Consortium reveals that of those hit by changes to housing benefit – such as the bedroom tax […]

Black people and Disability – The impact of Welfare reform and benefit cuts

Many disabled workers are reliant on benefits even though they are working. Conference condemns the Coalitions Governments Welfare Reforms and the resulting adverse impact of the policies on our members, especially our Black disabled members and their communities. Many of our disabled Black members are low-paid and due to poverty wages, pay freezes and unwavering […]

Disabled Women and Access to Work

Conference is concerned to learn that disabled people are being expected to take considerable responsibility for part funding the cost of their reasonable adjustments that have been approved by and provided through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) Access to Work Scheme (ATW). Self funding has an immediate and devastating impact on future work […]

What we want from a Labour Government

Conference will note that the austerity measures introduced by the ConDem government have had a disproportionate effect on disabled people. Benefits have been slashed and the work capability assessor has treated disabled people with callousness and inhumanity. Therefore the removal of the ConDem government has to be a priority for disabled people in the next […]

Disabled members taking a lead on recruitment

Conference will note that recruitment of new members is a priority for our union and one which we all need to proactively engage in. However conference will note that recruitment campaigns do not automatically ask activists with disabilities to take a lead on recruitment nor do these campaigns specifically target workers with disabilities. Conference will […]


We condemn the Government’s Welfare Reforms and the resulting impact of the policies on our members. Many members are reliant on welfare due to poverty wages, pay freezes and cuts to their terms and conditions. This has driven many into the arms of loan sharks and payday loan companies. Millions of disabled workers are reliant […]

Fair Representation for Disabled Members in UNISON

This conference is concerned about the level of discrimination currently faced by disabled people. Cuts to public services, welfare reform, changes to health and social care, reductions in disabled students allowances and bedroom tax have all targeted disabled people. To fight this campaign against disabled people disabled people need to be politically and societally active. […]

Save the Pensioner’s Bus Pass

It has been reported that the Government is considering introducing means testing for the Pensioners Bus Pass. This is a short sighted policy that will bring little benefit to the taxpayer. It will however bring isolation and misery to those pensioners who rely on public transport to travel but who will not be able to […]

HS2 Rail Project and Other Rail Developments

Conference welcomes the Coalition Government’s planned increase in rail investment, but questions the value for money, rape of the environment and a 12 year wait for completion of the HS2 high speed rail line at this time of austerity when the project will cut just 45 minutes off a journey from Birmingham to London. Conference […]

Support for Public Transport

Having an integrated, efficient public transport network is vital to the economy and to the daily lives of millions of people. While billions of pounds will be spent on building the HS2 rail line money is being cut from local authority budgets which leads to bus services being stopped, threatening the jobs of our members. […]

Celebrating Eequality in WET Workplaces

Conference notes that workplace equality issues are often portrayed as problems, difficult to handle, a minority interest and all about discrimination and prejudice. Conference believes that equality is not a problem but rather is something to celebrate in our Water, Environment and Transport (WET) workplaces. By celebrating equality and celebrating diversity we can help end […]

Tackling Stress in Water, Environment and Transport Workplaces

Conference welcomes the work done over many years by UNISON negotiators and representatives in water, environment and transport (WET) to highlight and tackle workplace stress. Conference is concerned that the current climate, with persistent threat to jobs, is placing particular stresses on WET members. There is micro-management, ever more pressure to meet targets, with fewer […]

Recruiting and organising under-represented workers

Conference notes that Water, Environment and Transport is the only UNISON service group where male members outnumber female. This is despite the predominance of women staff in the administrative and clerical roles, in common with the UK workforce as a whole. Women in any workforce continue to face discrimination in pay and access to training […]