Disabled members taking a lead on recruitment

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2014 National Disabled Members' Conference
3 July 2014

Conference will note that recruitment of new members is a priority for our union and one which we all need to proactively engage in. However conference will note that recruitment campaigns do not automatically ask activists with disabilities to take a lead on recruitment nor do these campaigns specifically target workers with disabilities.

Conference will further note that redundancies have further depleted our membership and attendance at regional disabled members meetings have dropped significantly.

Therefore conference calls upon the National Disabled Members Committee working with regional disabled members groups to:

1)Encourage activists with disabilities to join in on recruitment campaigns

2)Produce recruitment materials aimed at workers with disabilities

3)Encourage disabled members to attend their regional meetings

4)Encourage branches to send delegates to National Disabled Members Conference

5)Encourage disabled members to attend their branch meetings or set up a disabled members group in their branch.