Better Lone Working Systems

Most lone working systems used in the water industry are cumbersome to use and involve ringing numbers which takes time and are only effective for office or van based workers. For groups such as meter readers or samplers who are working on riverbanks and walking along lonely footpaths or in people’s homes they need an […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 8.4 Add new point 8.4 “censure of the member;” and renumber current rules accordingly.

Rule G Branch Organisation

Insert new rule G 1.3: “Each branch shall submit to the Regional Secretary current branch email and postal addresses for communications with the Union.”

Rule G Branch Officers

Insert new Rule G 4.1.6: “A member shall hold only one of the branch secretary or branch treasurer posts at any one time, unless otherwise determined by the National Executive Council.”

Sure Start

Conference notes the disproportionate effects the cuts on public services will have on women, in particular cuts to Sure Start. Users of the services are almost exclusively women as are the staff employed. Sure Start provides vital services such as Early Years play and development, family bonding, speech and language and family support services to […]

Campaigning against water poverty

‘Campaigning against water poverty’ This Conference seeks that this Service Group, guided by the Service Group Executive, resolves to actively campaign to counter and diminish the effects of water poverty. With water becoming an increasingly scarce resource, as a result of climate change and increased consumer demand, this matter of water poverty is an issue […]

Improvements to the State Pension

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing discrepancy between the basic state pension and the poverty threshold. In 2009 the National Pensioners’ Convention’s figures state that the poverty threshold is £165 pw whilst the basic state pension is £97.25 pw, a discrepancy of £65.75 pw. Much of the blame for this can be laid at the […]


The government has formed an independent Public Service Pensions Commission to undertake a fundamental structural review of public service pension provision by Budget 2011. We believe that the fact that private sector pensions are inadequate does not mean that public sector pensions should be. This action if taken will have a detrimental effect on Black […]

Bus Services and Jobs Put at Risk

Conference notes with great concern that many local bus services, particularly those serving rural areas, face an uncertain future. A high proportion of the funding for subsidised and tendered services comes from local authorities who themselves face significant cuts in their grant income from Government. The continued viability of many community transport undertakings and the […]

Water Industry Risk to Jobs

2011 marks the beginning of what may become the most serious threat since 1989 to jobs and services provided by the UK’s water industry. Whether in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland the present industry structure is likely to come under attack from both regulators and governments. With a new White Paper from the Government […]

Campaign Against the Cuts

Conference deplores the Con- Dem Government’s attacks on jobs, services, pensions and pay in the public sector as their only solution to the economic crisis brought about by the irresponsibility of the banking sector. Conference condemns those banks that continue to award large bonuses to the very people whose actions have caused the economic difficulties […]

British Waterways

Conference is alarmed over the developments taking place in British Waterways. Despite UNISON’s opposition the Government has gone ahead with its plan to convert British Waterways into a charitable trust, bringing to a close a proud history of public ownership and management of the nations’ canals. However, Conference is pleased to note that the Scottish […]

Organising The Union

Conference recognises the long term decline in numbers of trade union membership in the UK since 1979 from 13 million to 6.6 million members today. We note that this decline is reflected across many European and North American countries including Germany, France, Spain, Italy, USA and Canada. We also note that the average age of […]

Equality in Marriage and Civil Partnerships

Conference welcomes the progress in equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people under the last Labour government. Notable achievements include the introduction of civil partnership for same sex couples and the Gender Recognition Act, which gives trans people the opportunity to gain legal recognition of their acquired gender. Conference notes that in the […]

Keeping Public Sector Services Public, the challenges presented by Mutual and Social Enterprise Organisation

Mutual and Social Enterprises will figure large in the efforts of the Con Dem government to redesign the delivery of public sector services. In order to address the many challenges that this will present to our union and members this union needs to prepare against them and consult widely in order to have a coherent […]