Ukrainian State Discrimination

Conference notes with deep concern moves in the Ukrainian parliament for a bill restricting the distribution of and access to information “promoting homosexuality”. The bill would amend several laws including the law on protection of public morals, the law on print media, the law on television and radio broadcasting, the law on publishing and the […]

Kiev Pride Event

Pride represents a vibrant celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) life in the United Kingdom (UK); it also makes an important political statement. At its core, it’s also about recognising and respecting the rights of all people to freely express their sexual identity without fear of discrimination or persecution. Pride offers a unique […]

LGBT Community Fighting the Far Right at the Ballot Box

Conference notes the poor turn out in the May 2012 Local Government elections. In past elections far right candidates have won council seats by organising their supporters to vote while many ordinary voters, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT), have stayed away from the ballot box and not used their […]

Including Retired Member (1)

Conference recalls motion 10 carried at 2010 UNISON lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Conference which noted the anomaly in the self-organised group’s (SOG) structure that, whereas at branch level and at open meetings at other levels LGBT retired members may take part and speak for themselves, at this conference they are silenced and must […]

Holy Redundant – Remove Bishops From Parliament

Conference notes that current proposals to reform the House of Lords include retaining automatic seats for twelve Church of England Bishops. Conference finds such a proposal a ludicrous affront to equality since it amounts to reserving seats in parliament for heterosexual men and celibate gay and bisexual men. Conference also notes the negative role the […]

There is no place for Transphobia

Conference believes that transphobia and bullying of trans people can still be common place in our workplaces and society, but unfortunately it can sometimes occur within in our union. Many transgender workers face a difficult time at work, but when they turn to their trade union they expect a much better response. Conference it seems […]

Living Wage v Dickensian Poverty

The Eastern Region is a large mainly rural area including Norfolk, which is the sixth most deprived county in England. Great Yarmouth, Norwich, Kings Lynn and Thetford are ranked in the top 10% of most deprived areas in England, based on the Index of Deprivation. There are also hidden pockets of deprivation scattered across the […]

Mental health and drug treatment services for LGBT people

Gay men in Scotland are nearly eight times more likely to have attempted suicide in the last year and four times more likely to have taken drugs than heterosexual men, according to a survey by Stonewall Scotland from earlier this year. The survey of gay and bisexual men’s health found that 3% of gay men […]


Conference notes the final offer on the NHS Pension Scheme for England and Wales was published on 9 March 2012. UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are currently being balloted on the offer with full information on what it will mean for them and the consequences of rejection. Conference deplores the decision of […]

Austerity and devolution

In Motion 106 carried at the 2011 National Delegate Conference we called on UNISON to develop a powerful campaign of strategic political action, strategic industrial action, strategic legal challenge and direct action by local communities to create the widest possible engagement of the people in response to the UK government’s attack on the welfare state […]

Rule K Conditions

Rule K 6 After “fails to pay contributions”, insert: “at the correct rate as set out in Schedule A,”

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Delete Rule I.3 and replace with: “I.3 The National Executive Council shall have the power to exclude or expel, as the case may be, from membership of UNISON any individual who gives encouragement to, or participates in the activities of, or is a member of, a political party or organisation whose constitution, aims or objectives […]

Rule C Becoming a Member

Rule C 5.2 Delete existing rule and replace with: “5.2 A member of a political party or organisation, whose constitution, aims or objectives is/are expressly or impliedly contrary to the equality objectives of UNISON set out in Rules A.3 and/or B1.2 and/or B1.3 of the UNISON Rule Book, shall not be eligible for membership of […]

Rule C Obligations of Membership

Rule C.6.4 After “is paid to the Union”, and before “on the date on which it is due” insert: “,at the correct rate as set out in Schedule A, and”

Tamil Solidarity

On 18 May 2009, the Sri Lankan government declared victory after nearly 30 years of war against the Tamil-speaking people in the north and east of Sri Lanka. In the final months of that conflict, more than 20,000 Tamil civilians were killed. In the immediate aftermath of the war, hundreds of thousands were rounded up […]