Supporting the Jamica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG)

Conference notes: 1.Jamaica is one of over 70 countries where gay men and lesbians face persecution and death – either perpetrated or condoned by the national government; 2.homophobia is rife on the island (although many Jamaicans are not bigots); 3.there have been numerous reports and testimonies highlighting brutal violent attacks on lesbians and gay men. […]

Taxing of Lump Sum

Conference is opposed to any proposal to tax the lump sum that is paid to widows/widowers in the event of a pensioner dying within five years of retirement. Such lump sums are currently tax-free. Conference requests the National Retired Members’ Committee to ask the National Executive Council to organise a campaign to oppse this proposal […]

Retired Members’ Conference – Administration

Conference is again concerned at the lack of administrative time given to National Retired Members’ Conference in view of the lateness, once again, of receipt of the timetable and attached papers, which did not arrive at most branches until (at the earliest) Wednesday 11 June 2003. Motions were to be submitted by noon on Thursday […]

Developing our International Work

Conference reaffirms its commitment to UNISON’s international work. Within the global economy, international co-operation and solidarity results in significant social, economic and political benefits for workers in the UK and abroad. Recent examples of successful co-operation with trade unions in other countries include: ·London Electricity’s reinstatement of recognition of UNISON at its Doxford site after […]

Lesbian and Gay Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Conference recognises with serious concern that lesbians and gay men face persecution, imprisonment and death in over 70 countries world-wide. Conference further recognises that 1.issues related to sexual identity are often not accepted as legitimate reasons for seeking asylum in British immigration and asylum legislation; 2.certain countries designated as “safe” by the Government have an […]

Young Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes that young lesbians and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than other young people. They are also more likely to succeed so they account for over half of actual youth suicide in the UK. Conference therefore welcomes the (almost certain) repeal of Section 28 as the single most effective […]

Pensions Discrimination Suffered by Lesbians and Gay Men

Conference notes the Government’s disgraceful and hypocritical failure to ensure that the 2003 Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations will redress the pensions discrimination suffered by lesbians and gay men in public sector pay schemes. The Government has argued that this is because of the pension schemes cannot ‘afford’ to pay lesbians and gay men equal […]

Network Development in Rural Areas

Westnet is a UNISON Scotland lesbian and gay (L&G) forum which meets quarterly in the West of Scotland to promote, encourage and support L&G members in the area. Westnet encourages isolated members to come along and receive support in establishing their own groups and has successfully helped to establish groups within South Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire, […]

Male Prostitution – UK Local Government Response

This Conference expresses its concern at Glasgow City Council’s recent leaflet “Prostitution – Changing the Outlook”. This leaflet is being circulated to all staff in the council and contains information on the council’s policy on prostitution and the role which staff have to play in tackling the issue of street prostitution in Glasgow. The text […]

Domestic Violence

Conference notes with concern that reported incidents of domestic violence are increasing, and that these figures reflect an increase in the incidences of same-sex domestic violence. Conference therefore calls on the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to; 1.urge the National Executive Council (NEC) to issue guidelines to Branches to ensure that issues of same-sex violence […]

Working with other Lesbian and Gay Trade Unionists in Our Localities

Trades Union Councils bring together trade unions on a local basis and offer an opportunity for them to support one another and work together on common issues. They therefore offer the opportunity for lesbian and gay (L&G) trade unionists to work locally on a cross-union basis and for the trade union movement to make links […]

Employment Equality Regulations

Conference welcomes the implementation of workplace protection on the grounds of sexual orientation, whilst deploring the exemptions granted on religious grounds. Conference believes that this will allow discriminatory practices which will be far more widespread than is necessary for the maintenance of a religious faith extending to groups such as teachers and administrative staff. The […]

Pride not Profit

Conference notes that UNISON no longer sponsors national Pride following policy decisions and concerns expressed by Lesbian and Gay members over the commercialism involved. Conference is aware that UNISON participated in Pride in the Park this year by holding a stall in the Trades Union Congress (TUC) marquee. Conference recognises the importance of such a […]

Facility Time for Lesbian and Gay Activists

Conference agrees that lesbian and gay work within the union should have equal status with branch stewards’ and health and safety work and the work of those involved in other self organised groups and should therefore be afforded facility time. Conference calls on the General Secretary to write to all branches reiterating the above and […]

Equality and Inclusion Motion to 2002 Conference

Conference notes with concern the failure of the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to action Motion 3 “Equality and Inclusion – Public Services Agenda for Lesbians & Gay Men – Inclusion at our Leisure” passed at the 2002 Annual Conference. Motion 3 called for a letter to be sent to every local authority Chief […]