Network Development in Rural Areas

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2003 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
1 August 2003

Westnet is a UNISON Scotland lesbian and gay (L&G) forum which meets quarterly in the West of Scotland to promote, encourage and support L&G members in the area. Westnet encourages isolated members to come along and receive support in establishing their own groups and has successfully helped to establish groups within South Lanarkshire, North Lanarkshire, East Dunbartonshire, South Ayrshire and Falkirk Councils – which all have large rural populations making it difficult for isolated workers to meet and organise.

Conference calls on established L&G groups to consider establishing forums like Westnet to encourage and support L&G development.

Conference instructs the NLGC (National Lesbian and Gay Committee) to co-ordinate a survey of activity and report back through “Out in UNISON”, highlighting areas of good practice.