Gender Recognition Act reform and Government LGBT Action Plan

Conference welcomes the launch of the Westminster government’s consultation on reform of the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) 2004 on 3 July 2018. It notes that the consultation closed on 19 October, and commends all those branch and regional groups, individual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) members and others who submitted responses supporting the reform […]


Conference condemns Donald Trump’s unilateral decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to move the US embassy to the city. On 14 May, as Israeli and US officials celebrated the embassy’s official opening, Israeli troops fired with live ammunition on unarmed Palestinians taking part in the Great Return March protests in Gaza, […]

Solidarity initiatives to Support LGBT People in Turkey and Colombia

Conference reaffirms that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights are human rights. However, even where legislation is in place, many LGBT workers still face considerable discrimination. Research shows transgender people experience the most severe forms of workplace discrimination including, in some countries, being excluded from the formal labour market completely. Turkey and Colombia are […]

Pride in Procurement

Conference notes the recent increase in the number of companies selling ‘Pride’ related fashion and merchandise either in partnership with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) organisations or on the premise that a percentage of their sales will be donated to LGBT organisations. Examples include Primark, which teamed up with Stonewall, and H&M, which donated […]

Cross branch working in increasingly diverse workplace environments

Conference cautiously welcomes developments and new ways of working that help to address service user and community needs negatively impacted by savage Tory central government cuts. For instance, Adult Social Care and Health Professional services are increasingly working together to provide enhanced clinical and social care rehabilitation pathways, helping people who require short periods of […]

Same Sex Marriage in Northern Ireland

That this conference celebrates that same sex marriage has been legalized in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Scotland, England, Wales, the USA and Uruguay. That this conference is concerned that the same rights are not […]

Supporting members experiencing transphobic false allegations of misconduct

Conference notes with concern that over recent months there has been a dramatic increase in anti-trans campaigning and transphobia online, in communities, workplaces and, sadly, even within parts of the trade union movement. Although often superficially linked to the debate about the Gender Recognition Act, in reality most of the anti-trans campaigning is targeted at […]


That this conference calls upon The National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) to continue to apply pressure in any way legally possible to make full equal marriage a reality in all areas of the United Kingdom (UK). This will include continued pressure by the National LGBT Committee on Westminster and Stormont (if appropriate) to […]

National Self-Organised Group Conferences – Representatives of Relevant Retired Members

Conference notes that, since Rule D7.8 was amended in 2014, the National Retired Members’ Organisation has sent two representatives of relevant retired members to each National Self-Organised Group (SOG) conference. It further notes that the Retired Members’ National Committee (RMNC) chooses these representatives, but Conference continues to think it would be better if, in future, […]

Equal Pensions

Conference notes that: 1)The Supreme Court decision in Walker v Innospec in July 2017, that upon John Walker’s death his husband should get the same pension as would his widow, relies upon European Union (EU) law and sets aside a provision of the United Kingdom’s Equality Act 2010 that permitted occupational pension schemes to pay […]


Conference notes that: 1)Israel carries on denying Palestinians their rights and refusing to comply with international law. It maintains regimes of settler colonialism, apartheid and occupation over the Palestinian people; 2)This is only possible because of international support for Israel; governments do not hold Israel to account; corporations and institutions all over the world help […]

Justice For The Windrush Generation

Conference notes that while the Windrush scandal has led to the resignation of Home Secretary Amber Rudd on 30 April 2018, the policies themselves are still in operation and compensation schemes will be delayed while public consultations are held. Conference is appalled at the treatment that UNISON member Michael Braithwaite and other members of the […]

Defined Benefit Pensions in WET sectors

Conference notes with concern the terrible situation faced by pensioners in Carillion’s pension schemes, following the collapse of the company with a huge pension deficit outstanding. Conference further notes that Carillion paid high levels of executive and director pay, and bonuses, and substantial dividends to shareholders, while not addressing the deficits in its pension schemes. […]

Human rights and equality protections in Northern Ireland

In the light of the recent political difficulties on the restoration of devolved Government in Northern Ireland we face the threat of direct rule via the Tories, some of whom are disgracefully trying to dismiss the Good Friday Agreement for their own ends. It is fair to say that the vast majority of people in […]

Automation, artificial intelligence and robotics in the Water Industry

Conference notes that water and wastewater companies will be including increased use of automation, artificial intelligence and robotics in their business plans for AMP7 (PR19) that they will be submitting to Ofwat. Surveys of senior executives in various industries show that organisations believe the combination of humans and machine intelligence will create a more effective, […]