National Self-Organised Group Conferences – Representatives of Relevant Retired Members

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2018 National LGBT Conference
23 July 2018

Conference notes that, since Rule D7.8 was amended in 2014, the National Retired Members’ Organisation has sent two representatives of relevant retired members to each National Self-Organised Group (SOG) conference.

It further notes that the Retired Members’ National Committee (RMNC) chooses these representatives, but Conference continues to think it would be better if, in future, they were elected, in each case, by and from among the respective relevant retired members themselves.

For example, Conference thinks that the two representatives of retired lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) members to this conference should be elected by retired LGBT members and that members who have not retired or who do not identify as LGBT should have nothing to do with choosing them.

Conference recalls that last year’s conference supported an initiative to amend Rule D7.8 accordingly. It congratulates the West Midlands Region, and the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health, Blackpool, City of Wolverhampton, Herefordshire, Islington, Lambeth, Ryedale and Yorkshire & Humberside Gas branches for supporting this initiative and submitting the rule amendment to National Delegate Conference (NDC).

Conference observes that this initiative was unsuccessful as it failed to take account of the opinion of the NDC Standing Orders’ Committee (SOC) that, if there were such an election, Rule D8 would require it be conducted in accordance with Schedule C (if the National Executive Council (NEC) so decides) and with any regulations made by the NEC.

Conference is glad to note that West Midlands Region is seeking NDC SOC’s advice on wording for a rule amendment with a similar aim next year.

Conference instructs the National LGBT Committee:

A)Taking account of NDC SOC’s advice (if any) on wording, to ask the NEC to submit an amendment to Rule D7.8 and urge branch and regional LGBT groups to make the same request of their branch or region; and,

B. Should the rule amendment be carried at National Delegate Conference, to consult the other SOGs and RMNC with a view to asking the NEC not to decide these elections be conducted in accordance with Schedule C, but to make regulations under Rule D8 so each be conducted at Retired Members’ Conference either:

i) At the respective caucus; or,

ii)By a ballot of relevant delegates.