Conference recalls the resolution of last year’s retired members conference, Ageism in a Covid Age (Motion 13 as amended.) The resolution called upon the Retired Members National Committee (RMNC) to work with the National Executive Council (NEC), Self-Organised Groups (SOGs), Young Members Organisation (YMO) and others to try to ensure that ageism is given priority […]


SCORES ON THE DOORS Conference notes that at the conclusion of each National Retired Members’ Conference there is a ballot of suitable motions from which the two with the highest votes are chosen to be submitted to next year’s National Delegate Conference by the National Retired Members’ Organisation. However, Conference notes that only the two […]

Card Only Transactions and Access to Cash

Conference notes that during the pandemic many organisations moved to introduce card only transactions in an effort to reduce the circulation of cash and therefore the risk of infection. Conference further notes that this practice is becoming more widespread which has the potential to cause serious difficulties for older people on limited incomes. Many older […]

Triple Lock

This Conference is appalled that the Chancellor did not take the opportunity, in his spring statement, to reinstate the triple lock in relation to the state pension. Conference notes that had the triple lock been applied the state pension would have been raised by about 8% in line with pay increases which were existent at […]


This Conference notes: – The emergence of a significant rate of inflation in the economy – The proposed increase in energy prices (gas and electricity) – The National Insurance increase by 1.25 percentage points – The six largest energy companies made in excess of £1billion profit in 2021 Whilst recognising that many older people do […]

The Bus Pass in England

In England the Bus Pass is available to those at or over state pension age or with some severe health conditions. It gives its holders free travel throughout England on what are defined as “Local bus services”, as a minimum between 09.30 and 23.00 on weekdays and at all times at weekends and Bank Holidays. […]


Conference acknowledges the endemic nature of abuse, harassment and violence faced by women on a daily basis. The tragic murders of Sarah Everard, Bibaa Henry Nicole Smallman, Sabina Nessa and many other women in the past year have brought to the forefront the scale of violence against women and reinforced how unsafe many women feel […]

Disabled Women Paying the Price of Punitive Government Policy

Conference notes that the 2020 National Women’s Conference passed policy on how women were on a “cliff edge” with respect of to the poverty trap that the need to stay within the thresholds of Universal Credit has created. The pandemic has made this situation much worse. Disabled women are faced with a perfect storm of […]

A Voice for Part Time Workers

A Voice for Women Part time Workers Information on UNISON’s website about part-time working states that, ‘Nearly half of UNISON’s members work part-time and the majority of them are women’. Conference this should give these part time women members a loud and clear directive to be included within the very structures of Unison. Not all […]

Don’t forget about us when we are not in the room: Black women getting active in UNISON

UNISON can only be the strong, vibrant, effective union it strives to be if Black women are involved and active in every part of its work. Black women are still underrepresented at branch, regional and national level even though UNISON has 1 million women in membership. This is a trend that the National Black Members […]


69% of low paid or insecure jobs are held by women. Women are the majority of people living in poverty and female headed households are poor – these constitute 90% of lone parent households, 45% of which are living in poverty. (Fawcett Society) Conference notes and condemns the removal of the £20 per week pandemic-related […]

Improve affordable, good quality and accessible childcare and create awareness and understanding on how this issue continues to disproportionally affect women following the impact of Covid-19

Access to affordable childcare has been a long-standing challenge for women. In the current climate of adjusting to the impact of Covid-19, further barriers and challenges are being experienced by women endeavouring to have access to and retaining existing good quality early childcare. According to a survey conducted by Pregnant Then Screwed, 57% of working […]

Incorporate CEDAW into domestic legislation

2. Incorporate CEDAW into domestic legislation CEDAW is the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Discrimination Against Women – also called the International Bill of Rights for Women. CEDAW provides an international framework for States to take responsibility for tackling discrimination against women and achieving substantive equality for women in both the private and […]

Feminist Recovery Plan Relaunch

The Women’s Policy Group Northern Ireland (WPG) is comprised of women from feminist campaigning organisations, migrant groups, human rights and equality organisations and trade unions – including UNISON NI. In July 2021, the WPG updated and re-launched its Feminist Recovery Plan, which highlights the experiences of women in NI during the pandemic and make the […]

Decriminalise and defend the right to choose

This Conference notes: • The near total ban on abortion in Texas by restricting it to the first 6 weeks of gestation, a time when most people don’t even know that they are pregnant • That this threatens the Roe vs Wade ruling of 1973 that made abortion legal in the US. • The huge […]