Getting Information to Isolated Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members

Conference notes that disabled lesbian and gay members are most vulnerable to discrimination when they are isolated from information, support and advice. Conference is concerned that information on self-organised groups and network days often does not reach isolated members, including disabled lesbian and gay members who are not out in the branch. Conference calls on […]

Workplace Equality Representatives

By virtue of the fact that we are in this hall today is an example of how our Union supports diversity. Our employers recognise health and safety representatives and provides them with time off/facilities to undertake implementation of the legislation. Given the expanding equalities legislation and the increased diversity within the United Kingdom’s workforce, there […]

Pickering Report

In July 2002, a Government appointment review by Alan Pickering, former chairman of the National Association of Pension Funds produced its report A Simpler Way to Better Pensions. This Conference believes that the proposals contained in the Pickering Report will have little impact on the current crisis and do nothing to boost employee confidence in […]

National Minimum Standards for Care Homes

This Conference is disappointed to note that when announcing the National Minimum Standards for Care Homes, the Health Minister, Alan Milburn, backtracked on some of the initial promises. As a result the National Minimum Standards will now apply guidelines on factors such as room size and single occupancy to new homes only. There will be […]

Future Structure of UNISON’s Retired Members’ Organisation

At the Retired Members’ Annual Conference 2001 delegates were informed that a final report on The Retired Members’ Organisaiton would be presented to and debated by conference 2002. To date 4 October 2002, this separate report has not been presented to delegates to the 2002 Conference. This conference therefore instructs the National Retired Members Committee […]

Disabled Access Facilities at Conference Hotels

This Conference is greatly concerned about the lack of disabled access offered to delegates and visitors by the accommodation booking service. For this year’s Disabled Members’ Conference the hotel bookings have not been organised by UNISON’s Conference Office, but have been booked through the Conference Accommodation Booking Service Glasgow and Clyde Valley Tourist Board. Bearing […]

Bargaining on Equality

Conference notes that one of the most significant developments during UNISON’s first ten years is how central equalities issues have become to nearly everything the union does and that the self-organised groups have been the main single factor to make this so and keep it so. However, their work is often poorly integrated with collective […]

Ending Low Pay

Conference welcomes the statement in May last year by the Minister for Equalities and Women that “pink pounds” have created a more tolerant society towards lesbians and gay men. Conference agrees that whether one is treated with dignity and respect depends largely on whether you have money to spend. Conference therefore congratulates negotiators throughout the […]

Broadening the Trade Union Movement’s Understanding of Equality

Conference welcomes the increasing recognition of lesbian and gay rights as bread and butter trade union issues, evidenced by: 1.The solid body of UNISON policy and work on lesbian and gay equality; 2. 2. ever increasing numbers of unions represented at the TUC Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender conference; 3. the success of the 2nd […]

UNISON Conference Standing Orders

Conference notes that each national self-organised group and the National Young Members Forum can submit a total of two motions to service group conferences, although they can submit two motions and two amendments to National Delegate Conference. Conference recognises the key role of the self-organised groups and the National Young Members Forum in highlighting equalities […]

Retired Members’ Conference Dates

This Conference instructs the National Retired Members’ Committee to negotiate with the Conference Section for all future National Retired Members’ Conferences to be held on Wednesdays, with workshops on Tuesdays.

The Disability Bill

This Conference is disappointed to learn that despite the Labour Party’s manifesto commitment to bringing full civil rights for disabled people, the promised Disability Bill is not now to be in the Queen’s speech in the autumn. Lord Ashley at the All-Party Disabled Members’ Group meeting on 9 July 2002 stated that “Implementation of the […]

A Simpler Way to Better Pensions

Conference notes the publication of the report by Alan Pickering published in July 2002. Conference is concerned at many of the proposals set out in this report. In particular, Conference registers its disagreement with the following: 1)Change of pension accrual rate from 1/80th to 1/100th (one per cent); 2)Change of definition of pensionable salary to […]

Registration Fee – Power of Attorney

Conference notes that many pensioners are no longer capable of running their own affairs and that power of attorney is required in most cases. Conference condemns the decision of the Lord Chancellor, taken in July 2002, to increase the fee to register a power of attorney from £50 to £220. Conference calls upon the National […]

Stop the War

Conference notes that there is a rich and lengthy history of pacifism and non-violence that has run through the Lesbian and Gay movement and Lesbian and Gay Trade Unionism. With the increased hysteria and hypocrisy surrounding current rhetoric displayed by the British and American Governments it is important to remember that:- 1.It is the British […]