Developing an Organising Culture in Health

Conference notes that the challenges facing UNISON’s health sector have never been greater. Proposals for radical changes in pay are only the latest of a very long list of challenges we face – restructuring of employers, improving working lives, major changes in acute hospitals, mental health, and primary care, the involvement of the private sector, […]

Nursing Students

The nursing sector welcomes the work that UNISON has done over the last 3 years to raise awareness on issues which effect-nursing students: specifically our campaign to return student nurses and midwives to salary and employment status. Whilst we recognise that entry figures are up in nurse diploma courses we believe that even more significant […]

Health Workers and Violence

This Conference believes that it is unacceptable for NHS staff to go to work and to be exposed to unnecessary risks of violence. Conference welcomes the Scottish Health Committee’s Zero Tolerance Campaign against NHS staff being assaulted at work. In particular Conference notes the 6 point action plan: 1.The Scottish Health Minister and NHS trade […]

Tackling Racism

The Health Group Executive notes the NEC commissioned, 2001 and 2002 Labour Research Department reports of surveys into action by employers and Unison branches on tackling institutionalised racism since the publication of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report in February 1999. Conference notes the disappointing response to the questionnaire which could indicate that racism is not […]

Electronic Staff Records

This Conference notes that, as part of its National Shared Services Initiative. The Department of Health is in the process of developing a new national payroll and electronic staff records system (ESR). This new system is intended to replace existing payroll and staff records systems currently used by all NHS employers and so manage and […]

The Changing Workforce Programme

The modernisation of the NHS is constantly bringing about new challenges for UNISON, its branch representatives and membership. One such challenge is the Workforce Development Programme and the rapid move to changing roles of all staff in the NHS and indeed, Social Care. PMS pilots, Walk in Centres, NHS Direct and numerous specialist diagnostic and […]

Membership Representation

Conference notes that negotiations on the final package for pay modernisation in the NHS are nearing conclusion. If the new pay system is accepted by UNISON members the current national sector structure which was designed to accommodate Whitley will no longer be relevant. Therefore the SGE should as an urgent priority: 1)Seek the views of […]

Practitioners in Emergency Care (P.E.C.S)

Conference notes the introduction of P.E.C’s (Practitioners in Emergency Care). Conference also notes that: ·The present system encourages young, inexperienced graduates to become Paramedic Practitioners. This is an unsafe method of introducing additional staffing into the Ambulance Service; ·Budgetary concerns, funding and resource management issues mean that existing staff are denied the opportunity to access […]

Non-Payment of Enhancements when Nurses are Injured at Work

Following the advice we received last year regarding the non-payment of enhancements when Nurses are sick due to an injury at work. It seems that Management and Staff Side have conflicting views. We insist that the SGE raise this issue with our Legal Department and the Department of Health as a matter of urgency, so […]

National Care Standards Commission Failure to Consult

Conference welcomes the introduction of the National Care Standards Commission and the duty it has to raise standards across residential and nursing home care for people with learning disabilities and mental health illness. However, we have serious concerns about the way in which the Commission appears to have failed to consult with UNISON on a […]

Internationally Recruited Nurses

Overseas Nurses are being let down by poorly designed and ill administered adaptation courses, particularly so in the field of mental health. The lack of national standards for adaptation programmes has resulted in many agencies offering so called adaptation programmes, which do not equip the nurse with the knowledge or skills to practice at a […]