The Changing Workforce Programme

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2003 Health Care Service Group Conference
1 December 2002

The modernisation of the NHS is constantly bringing about new challenges for UNISON, its branch representatives and membership. One such challenge is the Workforce Development Programme and the rapid move to changing roles of all staff in the NHS and indeed, Social Care. PMS pilots, Walk in Centres, NHS Direct and numerous specialist diagnostic and treatment initiatives are constantly bringing new duties and greater responsibilities for our members. The recent suggestion of a new “Family Worker”, a kind of half Health Visitor and half Social Worker should not be viewed as too radical a proposal as to what might be in store.

UNISON members have always embraced change and innovation but are aware that increasing specialisation and indeed genericism brings greater responsibility and the acknowledgement of this often goes unrewarded.

UNISON is concerned that there seems to be a general lack of consultation around the thirteen national pilots and is aware many more initiatives are pursued daily in every hospital and Trust. UNISON members need support, training and acknowledgement for their future roles and need to consulted every step of the way, on what is required and indeed, achievable.

This Conference asks the Service Group Executive to take on board the sentiments of this resolution and to plan our strategy for the management of the changing workforce programme, in full consultation with branches and regions, to ensure we have a greater influence in this vital area of work.