Conference recognises the vital importance of effective call handling for the delivery of modern policing. As the main interface between the Service and the general public, it is essential that the Police Service has a modern, efficient and well-resourced call handling capability. This position is well-understood by all the major police stakeholders, particularly the Home […]
Conference motions
Conference is concerned over proposals to use community volunteers within the police service. Conference also notes that some police forces are already using volunteers Conference believes the practice of using volunteers undermines service levels expected of policing and places added pressure on our members, together with other members of the police family, and could put […]
Conference is concerned about the creeping use of non typical contracts such as fixed term, zero hours and agency staff to cover for staffing shortfalls which are not short term. Conference believes that the growing use of agency staff by police forcxes is evidence of a poor terms and conditions package in many police forces. […]
Conference is concerned over the lack of information provided to branches on this important issue. Conference further instructs that no agreement is to be reached until branches have been consulted on the overall document.
As a result of the Police Reform Bill there is every likelihood police officers will be redeployed into support staff posts as an alternative to ill health retirements. Conference calls on the Service Group Executive to formulate policy and advice to branches to ensure this practice doesn ot have a detrimental effect on support staff […]
Conference is concerned at the perceived number of police officers who are employed in police staff roles upon their retirement without having gone through any selection process. This practice if true causes concern and possibly breaches force equal opportunities policies/procedures. Conferences instructs the SGE to provide advice, guidance and support to branches with regard to […]
Conference Welcomes: ·the attention which the PSSC Handbook review has focussed on the tripartite relationship in respect ofpolice staff ·the publication of the APA’s “People Matters” HR Strategy ·the Home Office commitment to raise the status and training of police staff in a police reform environment ·· However, Conference is concerned that the respective responsibilities […]
Conference notes with concern the creeping privatisation of police services through PFI, Best Value, outsourcing and the increasing use of private agency staff. Conference notes in particular: 1)the fragmentation of police services that this privatisation is causing, particularly when outsourcing takes place at BCU level; 2)the lack of Best Value methodology being applied to some […]
Conference is concerned at the apparent conflicts of government policy with regard to support staff posts. Government states it wants more civilianisation within the police service. Government states it will deal with forces that fail to do this. Government urges forces to place injured/incapable police officers into none operational roles. Government states that it wants […]
This Conference notes with dissatisfaction the manner in which staff who are relocated at the behest of management have to pay tax on any relocation allowance. Conference instructs the Service Group Executive to engage in meaningful dialogue with the PSSC in order to defray taxes that may be incurred in these circumstances.
Conference welcomes the publication of the first ever national attitude survey of UNISON police staff members. UNISON now has a more accurate picture of the way in which police staff members are working, how they feel about their jobs and what they want UNISON to achieve on their behalf. Conference notes with concern the following […]
Conference notes that the recent pay cards issued after the pay rise did not include the spinal column numbers. They are necessary to enable staff to understand the relationship between their salary, spinal column and local banding. Conference also notes the intention of the PSSC Trade Union Side to completely renumber the PSSC pay spine […]
Conference is concerned that we failed to achieve proportionality by the year 2000. But women in UNISON must not let our union forget this policy. It is still important that those who hold power within UNISON, or who represent it should reflect the make-up of the membership. We should continue to strive towards this target […]
Conference supports UNISON’s committment to well funded publicly owned, publicly controlled and democratically accountable public services and notes our opposition to privatisation (Positively Public Campaign). Conference notes UNISON’s ongoing campaign to put an end to the two tier workforce which results when private contractors employ new staff on different contracts, usually on far worse terms […]
Conference notes the TUC’s report “Black and Excluded” which looks at black workers and pay. The report notes that black women are disproportionately represented in certain sectors such as public health, education services and textiles, which are traditionally low paid sectors. Within these sectors black women are further disadvantaged by being concentrated in lower graded […]