The region notes that under Section C no.2.6.3 it specifies that ‘Retired Members shall be entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and conditions of members in employment. They will be entitled to stand for office and vote only for the positions in the Retired Members’ organisation […]
Conference motions
Prostate Cancer UK has researched the way older men receive treatment for diagnosed prostate cancer. In their report ‘5 Inequalities/ 5 Solutions’, the evidence produced reiterates the need that the action called for in Motion 16, UNISON National Retired Members Conference 2014, Southport, should be implemented urgently together with more specific action to further the […]
Conference notes that women who paid reduced National Insurance rates or ‘married women’s stamp’ for some or all of their working lives, are disadvantaged as a result of lower NI payments, unable to receive a state pension in their own right at retirement age. Conference are very concerned that most women were not told of […]
Each year, Conference carries many worthwhile motions and it is important that they are followed up and implemented to the best of UNISON’s ability. Unfortunately, much Conference time is also spent debating motions which, while not necessarily identical, are often very similar to those carried in previous years. Whilst this is helpful in keeping issues […]
Conference notes that delayed discharge from hospital by elderly patients, commonly known as bed blocking is a major problem in many hospitals. Following admission to and treatment in hospital when elderly patients are well enough to be discharged they are frequently unable to do so for two main reasons: 1. some have been admitted from […]
Conference notes recent media reports highlighting the issue of elderly patients who are approaching the end of their lives often being left on trolleys in hospital corridors with insufficient pain relief and left alone to die. Conference agrees this demonstrates a total lack of dignity, care and respect and as such is totally unacceptable. Whilst […]
Conference notes the review of arrangements for the National Retired Members Conference which is being carried out by the National Retired Members Committee (NRMC) following the carrying of Motion 19 (and the remittal of Motion 20) at the 2014 Retired Members Conference. Conference also notes the change to National Rule D.6.8 passed at the 2014 […]
Conference is extremely alarmed at the confusing muddle and poor level of provision of out-of-hours services in the NHS. This particularly affects elderly and retired people trying to stay living in their own homes and not to burden the diminishing public services, and seeking not to lose all their means by being placed in a […]
Conference notes that whilst dementia can apply to people of all ages it primarily affects older people. Conference further notes that the level of funding for dementia research is considerably lower than that for other illnesses. Conference believes that there is an urgent need to increase the amount of money needed for research into the […]
Conference notes that with the introduction of the new state pension from April 2016 there will exist a two tier system. Existing pensioners will not be entitled to receive the new level of basic state pension. Although the method of indexation will be the same for both old and new pensions i.e. the triple lock, […]
Conference opposes any attempts by Governments across the UK to cut universal benefits for older people such as the winter fuel payment, free bus pass, free prescriptions and free TV licences. These benefits are essential to ensuring a decent standard of living and social inclusion for millions of pensioners who face daily poverty, fuel poverty […]
Conference notes that, despite numerous protests including references to the National Retired Members’ Committee and motions to the National Retired Members’ Conference, the Conference Bulletin containing all the vital administrative information about this year’s Conference was made available on line only, with no paper notification. Further, there was again no notification to Branches or Retired […]
Conference is concerned at the effects of Section 117 of the Mental Health Act especially as far as it affects elderly and retired people. Section 117 of the Mental Health Act places a statutory duty of aftercare on Health (Health Authority delegated to Primary Care Trusts) and Local Social Services Authorities (LSSA) to provide aftercare […]
Conference is concerned to note that, as a result of a United Nations Directive, services provided for older people within the National Health Service may have to be curtailed as more resources are given to people who are under 34 years of age. This will happen unless more resources are put into the NHS to […]
Conference notes that over 65s are a growing proportion of society. This will have an impact on trades unions in a number of ways since: 1. The workforce will include a growing number of workers for whom retirement gets later and later and who make new organising demands; 2. Retired members will form a growing […]