Transport by taxi is a lifeline to many of our members who require the convenience and necessity of this form of getting from A to B. However, on numerous occasions this aspect of travel is marred by the attitude and behaviour of the driver particularly where drivers refuse to allow working dogs to accompany disabled […]


This Conference requests the National Disabled Members Committee to liaise with the Conference department to ensure that hotels are asked to comply with their DDA Goods, services, and facilities duties and provide an access audit at no cost to the union. We further request that audited conference venues and recommended hotels are circulated with the […]


Typetalk is a requirement for many of our deaf/hearing impaired and speech impaired members, as it gives them the opportunity to have more indepth and professional phone discussions with colleagues that texting on mobile phones does not. Typetalk is a service operated by RNID through a BT landline involving a Minicom user, a standard phone […]


In recent years disabled people have benefited from changes in law, which has meant – in some instances – that employment has been easier to obtain and maintain, because of the requirement to make reasonable adjustments. However, we are concerned that due to a lack of appropriate training information and support, the Disability Discrimination Act, […]


Part M of Schedule 1 of The Building Regulations 1991 as amended by the Building Regulations (Amendment) Regulation 1998 deals with access and facilities for disabled people. Conference notes that Section M is limited to: a)Reasonable provision for disabled people to gain access to and to use the building b)Reasonable provision of sanitary facilities in […]


Conference welcomes the UNISON Equality Duty, because equality for members is at the heart of what we do. Conference believes that the UNISON Equality Duty cannot be fully effective without the appropriate training being made available for all branch activists and all other interested UNISON members. Conference believes that training is a valuable tool for […]


This conference applauds the negotiations that UNISON has been involved in through the TUC to secure employment protection for agency workers who are employed for 12 weeks with the same employer. However, we are concerned that disabled agency workers may face particular disadvantage: Agencies may perpetuate institutional disability discrimination by not offering temporary positions for […]

Strategic Service Delivery Partnerships/Shared Services

Conference notes that the government is promoting Strategic Service-delivery Partnerships (SSP), Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) in local government. We are concerned that these policies will have a detrimental impact on our members’ terms and conditions of employment. The roll out of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health […]


Conference condemns the continuing violence and abuses against trade unions, social movements, and civil society organisations in Colombia. Colombia continues to be one of the most dangerous places to be a trade union activist. More than 3,500 trade union activists have been killed in the past 15 years, many have been disappeared, arrested and tortured […]

New Labour: What do we get for our money

Conference recognises that UNISON members are increasingly angry at the continued onslaught on public services, workers jobs, wages and conditions by the New Labour government and its policies. Conference also notes that in 2005 Conference agreed to call on UNISON Labour Link to publish the voting record of the UNISON groups of MPs. It is […]

Supporting Trade Unions in South Africa and the Region

Conference congratulates Nelson Mandela on the occasion of his 90th birthday, which is on 18 July 2008. Many people and organisations are marking his birthday in 2008 as part of wider celebrations of South Africa’s struggle for liberation from apartheid, the successful establishment of a representative and participatory democracy and recognition of those who sacrificed […]

Public Services

Conference believes that changing political and economic circumstances make the case for sustained investment in quality public services delivered by well-trained and fairly rewarded public sector employees even more important. Conference notes that when given the option, as in Scotland and Wales, voters will support policy programmes that seek to strengthen and renew public services […]


The National Executive Council congratulates those branches and regions that have engaged in successful national and regional organising campaigns and notes that organising must remain central to the work of the union. The National Executive Council further notes that over the past five years the organising approach has led to a significant rise in the […]

The NHS at 60

As the National Health Service prepares to celebrate its 60th birthday in July 2008, conference welcomes the fact that its founding principles remain substantially intact. Despite government policies designed to drive more and more of the health service into private hands, the service is still largely publicly controlled, free at the point of need and […]

Local Services

Conference notes the 2007 Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act and the subsequent statutory guidance. This institutes new systems of delivering local public services in England affecting our members in Local Government, health, education, policing, transport and other areas. It also affects all our members as local citizens. Conference welcomes the increased co-ordination […]