UNISON seeks nominations for community citizen of the year


UNISON student nurses lead march on Trafalgar square

Nursing students from across the country are converging on London today (Wednesday February 20), to lead a march organised by the National Union of Students demanding “Grants Not Fees,” and calling for an end to nursing bursaries. Over 10,000 students and supporters are expected to join the march across London, which heads off from outside the University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street at 12.00pm. The marchers will make their way to a rally at Trafalgar Square to be addressed by speakers including Ken Livingstone.

NHS needs more patience, less spin

Spin is getting in the way of NHS reform. This was the key message from Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, at a health symposium at St Thomas’ Hospital today, to Health Secretary, Alan Milburn. UNISON urged the minister to hold his nerve and stick to the NHS plan which has already been agreed by the government and UNISON.

NHS needs more patience, less spin

Spin is getting in the way of NHS reform. This was the key message from Dave Prentis, General Secretary of UNISON, at a health symposium at St Thomas’ Hospital today, to Health Secretary, Alan Milburn. UNISON urged the minister to hold his nerve and stick to the NHS plan which has already been agreed by the government and UNISON.

UNISON wins backing for fair wages fight in Europe

UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis, today won the support of European Public Service unions, representing over 40m people, for a fair wages fight across Europe. The unions have pledged to back UNISON’s campaign to secure measures aimed at protecting British public services workers, who are being pushed into the arms of private companies as part of the Government’s privatisation plans.

UNISON warns MPs “Don’t wreck our hearts over public services”

A broken heart will be on the front of a Valentine’s Day card dropping through the letter boxes of MP’s across the UK today. The card from the UK’s largest union, UNISON, carries the warning “Don’t wreck our hearts over public services”.

NHS recruitment campaign

UNISON, the UK’s largest health union, today welcomed the new NHS recruitment campaign aimed at attracting staff back into the service, saying “bring back the missing workers”.

UNISON demands answers on PFI hospital schemes

UNISON, the UK’s largest health union, today demanded answers from the Department of Health, over plans to go ahead and issue tenders for new hospital PFI schemes.

UNISON rejects local government pay offer of 2.5 per cent

UNISON, the UK’s largest union, today rejected a 2.5 per cent pay offer by local government employers at the end of the first round of pay talks.

UNISON’s spring offensive on pay for local government workers

Over 55 per cent of local government workers earn less than the average allowance paid to councillors – £12,500 – leaving them among the poorest paid workers in the public sector.

UNISON warns Transco job cuts could compromise safety

UNISON, the UK’s largest union, warned that the 2,400 job cuts announced today by gas transmission company Transco could lead to a major safety failure.

“Clarify wording or face unholy war” says UNISON

UNISON, the UK’s largest health union today demanded clarity or withdrawal of controversial wording in a discussion document to be presented at a Labour forum tomorrow.

UNISON welcomes Milburn’s faith in public services

UNISON, the UK’s largest health union, today welcomed Government proposals to share expertise across the NHS saying successful managers are the key to turning round failing hospitals.

NHS draft policy document – UNISON reaction

Reacting to a draft policy document on the NHS proposing a health service providing only

Right to Care campaign wins backing from MPs

The Right to Care campaign received a welcome boost today when it revealed that over 100 MPs, from all parties, have signed an Early Day Motion (EDM) urging the Government to stop the unfair charging of older or disabled people for essential personal care.