Removing fees and giving financial help vital for trainees
nursing students
Current students should also have fees reimbursed
Responding to the government’s announcement today (Tuesday) that it will increase the number of training places for nurses, UNISON head of health Sara Gorton said: “It’s about time the government addressed the impact of their decision to scrap the nursing bursary. Young people have been put off training to become nurses because of this shortsighted policy. “UNISON […]
Wednesday 12 October 2016 For immediate release Nursing associates should not be nurses on the cheap, says UNISON Responding to the announcement today (Wednesday) by Health Education England that more than 2,000 people will be trained as nursing associates over the coming months, UNISON head of health Christina McAnea said: “These new roles could help […]
Responding to the announcement today (Thursday) that the government is to plough ahead with scrapping nursing bursaries and replacing them with loans and fees, UNISON head of health Christina McAnea said: “It was clear from the start that this consultation was a sham. Ministers have simply not listened. They seem not to care that in […]
UNISON stands behind the junior doctors as they stand up for their rights at work and for patient safety, but unfortunately these attacks will come as no surprise to student nurses
The Chancellor’s plans to axe the nursing bursary must surely rank as one of “the most foolish, petty and self-defeating cuts” proposed by the government, UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis will say later today (Wednesday) at a special summit London of student nurses. Taking place at the union’s headquarters in Euston, the event brings together […]
Nursing students from across the country are converging on London today (Wednesday February 20), to lead a march organised by the National Union of Students demanding “Grants Not Fees,” and calling for an end to nursing bursaries. Over 10,000 students and supporters are expected to join the march across London, which heads off from outside the University of London Union (ULU), Malet Street at 12.00pm. The marchers will make their way to a rally at Trafalgar Square to be addressed by speakers including Ken Livingstone.