UNISON warns MPs “Don’t wreck our hearts over public services”

A broken heart will be on the front of a Valentine’s Day card dropping through the letter boxes of MP’s across the UK today. The card from the UK’s largest union, UNISON, carries the warning “Don’t wreck our hearts over public services”.

Inside is the message “UNISON members are the heart of our public services. Plans to use private companies and private sector managers and talk of handing over our best hospitals will not only wreck our public services but also break our hearts.

“Your voice and your vote can make a difference. Please support our campaign.”

The card is signed “Forever yours” from Dave Prentis and every nurse, classroom assistant, ambulance worker, cleaner, chief executive, cook, porter, social worker, care worker, home help, architect, dinner lady, lollipop lady, debt advisor, caretaker, town planner, midwife, engineer, bin man, environmental health officer, technician, welfare officer, park keeper, public service manager, truancy officer, nursery nurse, administrator, lawyer, medical secretary, finance officer, traffic warden, librarian, leisure worker, meat inspector, youth worker, housing officer and all the team that deliver our public services.

The card also carries a traditional poem which will be echoed in Valentine’s Day columns of national and local papers throughout the country.

“Roses are red

Violets are blue

83% love public services

We hope you do too!”

The 83% refers to a MORI poll survey for UNISON which found that 83% of the British public are against private companies running public services.