UNISON’s Stars in our schools day on 27 November was a bigger and better success than even the Stars team could have hoped for.
More special assemblies, more visits by mayors and MPs and – of course – a mountain of chocolate.
UNISON members across the UK enjoyed having a moment of glory in the winter sun as we celebrated Stars in our schools for the third year running.
We know it’s hard graft working in a school these days so UNISON takes this one day a year to celebrate all that you do. Without you our schools simply couldn’t run. So a really big thank you to you all.
Thanks also to the hundreds of you who posted pictures of your day on Twitter and Facebook – you can see the pictures using #StarsInOurSchools – as well as on the Stars website.
We had a fantastic response to our Nominate A Star competition.
We are notifying our 12 winners and the people who nominated them as quickly as possible. They have won a £25 M&S voucher each.
But all your stories would warm the cockles of the coldest hearts – it was almost impossible to pick the ‘Stars’ because every story showed what a fantastic bunch of professionals run our schools.
Here’s a taster of the stories you told us, but we’ll post more to the stars in our schools website soon.
Creative design technician
He wears a badge saying ‘Open All Hours’ and wears it with pride.
Without him, there would be no staff end of term events, no staff fund to buy birthday cards and retirement presents from, no food for Year 11s staying after school, no displays of school priorities in the staff room!
He is incredibly solution focused, always happy to help and has a real understanding of the infrastructure of the school and what makes it tick.
He will always support staff at a drop of a hat and is a real professional. A rock!
School nurse
She has come to work with a smile on her face every day for the last nine years and leaves at the end of the day still smiling.
She single-handedly cares for all students that require medical attention, emotional attention or just a listening ear and someone who will understand.
She is loved by both students and staff alike. We are so lucky to have her.
Learning resource centre manager
Her passion for reading has inspired so many students.
In one year alone, she increased book loans from 5,623 to 9,221 and these figures are continuing to grow.
She sources great authors into school, finds books that all students would want to read; she has developed a library website; she has students signed up as book critics for The Guardian; she runs a book club and a journalism club; he involves local primary schools with events that encourage reading.
Her enthusiasm is never ending and many students have developed their confidence and love of reading through her encouragement and dedication.
And finally… we have already set the date for Stars in our schools 2016… Put it in your diary: 25 November 2016!
If your schools didn’t manage to take part this year, you can join us in 2016. Talk to your UNISON representative or UNISON branch representative and get planning!