Are you a UNISON member? You can vote for our national executive council between 3 April and 28 April.
Lost your ballot paper? Call 0800 0 857 857
But why should you? Here are five reasons to use your vote.
1. The NEC makes decisions that affect your life and the lives of many ordinary working people.
It is the senior decision-making body of UNISON – they direct the union’s policy and campaign priorities. As your elected representatives, its members use their judgement to take important decisions on, for example, pay negotiations and industrial action.
Whose judgement do you trust? Who do you think will best represent you? Make sure you find out and vote.
2. It champions public services.
Last year, the NEC supported campaigns that got the public behind public services. Considering the government’s austerity agenda, this work is vital.
The NHS, education, local councils and other services need UNISON to stand up for them. The NEC makes sure our public service agenda is prioritised.
3. The NEC ensures UNISON continues to be a member-led organisation.
Unions have accountable, democratic structures that give them the mandate to campaign for working people. Participation is the bedrock of any union.
The late Tony Benn once asked five questions of power.
- What power have you got?
- Where did you get it from?
- In whose interests do you exercise it?
- To whom are you accountable?
- How can we get rid of you?
We’d be able to answer Tony.
- The NEC has power to make UNISON policy (between conferences).
- Members give it its power.
- Its members work in the interest of UNISON members.
- They are accountable to members.
- And they can be voted out every two years.
So make sure you use your vote in 2017 and participate in our proud, democratic tradition.
4. The NEC’s structure ensures minority voices are heard.
There are seats reserved for Black members, disabled members and young members.
This ensures UNISON is an inclusive organisation, where all voices are encouraged and represented.
5. UNISON rules mean the make-up of the NEC fairly represents the wider union.
Since women make up two thirds of our membership, two-thirds of the seats on the NEC are reserved for women and 13 seats are reserved for low-paid women.
Considering women are not proportionally represented in Parliament or on company boards, we should be proud that the NEC is leading the way.
The NEC election is your chance to make sure your voice is heard. Ir makes important decisions, which affect the lives of many low paid workers and our public services.
All members are eligible to elect candidates to represent their region and their service group.
It’s a postal vote and ballot papers have been sent to you. Voting is open from 3 April to 28 April.
A helpline at 0800 0 857 857 is open from 11 April to 25 April for any queries or in case you don’t receive your ballot paper.
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