Negotiation in the probation service is changing, UNISON’s police and justice conference heard during a lively debate today.
Neil Brookes from North West probation and The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) branch moved a motion to retain the primacy of the National Negotiations Council (NNC) in future bargaining arrangements.
Speaking against the motion, Jenny Martin from the Staffordshire and West Midlands probation branch pointed out that the motion was in conflict with the policy of the national probation committee.
“We have a national negotiating council that isn’t working,” she told delegates.
Frank Radcliff from the Eastern region probation branch said that the council was “past its sell by date,” adding that, “if we insist on retaining the primacy of the NNC, we will potentially be de-recognised as a negotiating union.”
Mr Radcliff went on to say that “a one-size-fits-all system does not reflect the needs of members.”
After an eloquent and passionate debate, the motion was not carried.