7 – 9 October 2016
Southport Convention Centre
Further information to follow
The national conference of UNISON’s Police and Justice members
Registrations and enquiries
If you want to attend the conference, please contact your branch, who can register you as a delegate or visitor on the Online Conference System.
If you have any queries about the conference, contact our conference office (see details below).
Venue and accommodation
Branches are encouraged to arrange accommodation through VisitSouthport. Using the Booking Service supports the work of our members in local government and ensures our continuing ability, as a not-for-profit organisation, to secure preferential rates for our conference venues.
The dedicated webpage for UNISON Police and Justice Members’ Conference is:
Branches using this booking service are reminded that there are no proforma invoicing facilities available with this system. Payment will need to be made at the point of booking with a debit or credit card.
Who should attend
Full details on who can attend, branch representation, proportionality and fair representation are available in the conference bulletin.
Contact the conference office
UNISON Conference Office, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London, NW1 2AY
Tel: 020 7121 5123
Conference Motions
Commitment to double waking night cover
Police & Justice Constitution
Staff care = staff retention
Improving workplace equality and diversity in the National Probation Service and Community Rehabilitation Companies
Recruiting and organising LGBT members in police and justice
Budget cuts and the effect on equalities training
Stand-by Rules Take Advantage of Members
Carried as Amended
Survey of branches and members – disability related matters
Carried as Amended
Blue light proposals – a threat to police staff jobs
Volunteers – Policing on the Cheap
Carried as Amended
Sector Committees for the National Probation Service and the Community Rehabilitation Companies
Powers for Community Support Volunteers and Police Support Volunteers
Black worker representation in police and justice workforces
Carried as Amended
Health and Safety in the probation service
An inflexible police service
Flexible Working in Operational Roles
Carried as Amended
Dispel The Myths Around Protected Police Budgets
Policing on the cheap – exploiting the unemployed
Carried as Amended