Migration has emerged as one of the key themes being pushed by the Leave campaign in the final fortnight before the EU referendum on 23 June.
As part of the union’s campaign for a Remain vote, UNISON has produced two new factsheets on EU migration and on UNISON’s vision of an inclusive Europe.
Both can be downloaded from the resources section of dedicated campaign page (see below).
As general secretary Dave Prentis says in a blog on the issue, “there are those within our union who take a different view, and those views are respected, but what unites us all is our condemnation of the tactics employed by the official Vote Leave campaign, and racist, xenophobic rhetoric employed by some leading campaigners for Brexit.”
Download the migration factsheet
Download the inclusive Europe factsheet
Meanwhile, UNISON national officer for energy Matthew Lay has written a blog on the TUC Touchstone website warning that leaving Europe will be bad news for energy bills and consumer rights.
Touchstone blog: Leaving Europe can only be bad news for energy bills, consumers and the battle to keep the lights on