UNISON’s retired members organisation is seeking members to attend the national disabled members’ conference or national LGBT conference later this year.
The union’s rules allow the national retired members’ organisation to send two representatives to each of the union self-organised group conference.
The disabled members’ conference takes place on 29-31 October in Brighton and the LGBT conference on 18-20 November in Llandudno. In each case, travel costs, expenses and accommodation will be met from national funds.
Disabled retired members and LGBT retired members interested in attending are asked to submit a supporting statement of not more than 200 words by email to c.derrig@unison.co.uk or by post to national retired members’ officer Colin Derrig, MPU, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY, to arrive no later than Tuesday 26 July.
The national retired members’ committee, on behalf of the national organisation, will consider the statements at its meeting Tuesday 9 August and inform the chosen representatives will be informed as soon as possible after that.
In addition, the committee meeting on 5 October will consider statements from Black or women retired members wanting to attend the 2017 Black members’ conference (20-22 January in Brighton) or 2017 women’s conference (16-18 February in Brighton) as representatives of the national retired members’ organisation.
Again, supporting statements should be emailed or posted to Colin Derrig at the addresses above, to arrive no later than 28 September 2016.