The strike ballot for UNISON members across health and education services in Northern Ireland is under way. The ballot, which is being conducted by the independent Electoral Reform Society, runs until 24 February.
UNISON is calling on all members across health and social services and the education service to vote Yes for strike action which is scheduled for 13 March.
Similar ballots are being conducted by other unions across the civil service, transport and other key public services.
“The ballot papers reflect the issues of key concern to all our members in health, social services and education,” said UNISON Northern Ireland regional secretarey Patricia McKeown. “The issues have been widely publicised. They include:
- thousands of jobs already cut, privatised or casualised and more of the same to come;
- unsafe staffing levels in hospitals and social care;
- financial losses already suffered by some of the lowest paid workers in Northern Ireland;
- the mounting stress levels and ill health being experienced by decent people trying to do increasingly impossible jobs in an intolerable world of constant cuts.
“UNISON members are saying ‘Enough is Enough’.
“The pressure on jobs and services has become so great that entire groups of members not known for industrial militancy are now demanding it. The call is coming from nurses and home care workers as well from school meals staff, hospital cleaners, porters and administrators.
“Our members have already demonstrated their determination to stand up for their rights and the rights of the people they serve. The Executive and the Assembly are unwise to ignore them at this critical time.
“In addition to the hundreds of workplace meetings which are already taking place, UNISON has organised more than 50 public meetings in cities and towns across Northern Ireland, calling for support and direct action from local communities where the impact of cuts, closures and job loss is most acute. The meetings all take place over the next three weeks.”
UNISON representatives from across Northern Ireland are coming together at the UNISON headquarters in Belfast today to co-ordinate the programme of action.