Following the successful strike by local government and school staff, teachers, firefighters ad civil servants in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, we need to maintain a high campaign profile over the summer holidays.
There will be further industrial action in the autumn. UNISON has proposed a date of 30 September, and talks are taking place with other unions over possible co-ordinated action and the best date to achieve that.
In the meantime, falling pay levels need to be at the forefront of everyone’s minds – and another day of protest is planned for 20 August. Watch out for campaign iupdates.
At the same itme, it is critical to apply political pressure alongside other campaigning in the run-up to industrial action, if we are to bring the employers back to the negotiating table.
The Local Government Association needs a mandate to reopen talks from each of its political groups – Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Independent. So there areo some actions branches need to do in the immeidate period.
Make an appointment to see your council leader to put the arguments to them. Your regional organiser will help you with this work and feedback intelligence to us.
Get every activist and member to write or attend surgeries held by their councillors and MPs. We need to pile on the pressure and make sure all elected politicians are aware of the impact falling pay and the falling value of pensions is having on everyone working in councils and schools.
There is a model letter on the campaign’s Take Action web page at