UNISON members at Care UK in Doncaster will begin new strike action tomorrow for two weeks, after the company refused to even discuss a wage rise this year.
The action comes after a new ballot and is in support of a pay claim that calls for a minimum starting rate of £7.65, which is the national living wage outside London. The current pay for basic grade staff is £7 an hour.
For staff whose jobs were moved across to Care UK when the council privatised the service last year, the claim is for a meaningful wage rise.
Before the pay claim was submitted, the company said that there would be no wage rise.
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional organiser Jim Bell said: “This company should hang its head in shame for profiting from public sector, taxpayer-funded contracts at the same time as paying its basic grade staff so badly that many of them have to claim taxpayer-funded in-work benefits to survive”.
Members at Care UK have already taken 34 days of action this year in a fight over the imposition of massive pay cuts, following the privatisation of the service, which sees members care for vulnerable people with severe learning disabilities.
Messages of support or donations should be sent to:
Yvonne Butcher, branch secretary
Doncaster District and Bassetlaw Health Branch, 20511
Jenkinson House
White Rose Way
Doncaster DN4 5GJ
Background to the disputes: Fighting for the soul of the country