Tomorrow is Fair Pay for NHS Staff Day, when UNISON is aiming to raise awareness of how health staff are being treated, and put some pressure on politicians on the issue.
Part of that doing is using social media to help campaign around fair pay for NHS staff.
So, if you’re going to use social media in your campaigning tomorrow, here are a few pointers.
You can use the hash tags #NHSpay and #Fairpayfortnight – you’ll be able to find out what other people are doing that way too.
Encourage people to join our Worth It campaig in the campaigns section of this website.
Follow @UNISONtweets @UNISONOurNHS and @Worthit_UNISON.
Get people to take a photo with the Fair Pay Fortnight placard and tweet it to @UNISONOurNHS.
Sign the TUC NHS pay petition at – and ask others to do the same.
Encourage health workers to say online what they feel about the pay announcement.