UNISON members at Care UK in Doncaster showed their determination to continue fighting for fair pay when they opted for more industrial action in May at a strike rally on Good Friday.
The rally at Doncaster Trades Club was addressed by assistant general secretary Karen Jennings, who said it was “an honour to meet 150 courageous members striking to stop exploitation of staff and vulnerable clients.”
UNISON regional organiser Jim Bell told the local press: “Our members are being forced to make great personal sacrifices but they feel they have no alternative if they are to protect their jobs and the service to vulnerable people which these pay cuts would effectively destroy.
“The way that Care UK is behaving in Doncaster is ringing alarm bells across the country. UNISON general secretary Dave Prentis has pledged continued support for our members in Doncaster and will be on the picket line in the near future.
“UNISON is also urging the Labour Party to give its full support for these workers, because if Care UK get away with such savage pay cuts in Doncaster, no care service in the country will be safe.
“Meanwhile, all the Doncaster MPs – Ed Miliband, Rosie Winterton and Caroline Flint – have written to Care UK urging them to sit down with UNISON at the earliest opportunity to resolve the dispute.”
Although the union has tried to negotiate, Care UK refuses to back down from plans to slash the pay, terms and conditions of the workforce.
The workers have already taken strike action in March and April, with the latest taking place over Easter.
The Doncaster, District and Bassetlaw health branch has launched an appeal to help members.
Please make donations payable to Doncaster, District and Bassetlaw Health Branch 20511, and send them to the UNISON Office, Jenkinson House, White Rose Way, Doncaster DN4 5GJ.
View the Doncasters strike film
Doncaster care workers: Fighting for the soul of the country
UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside