UNISON is to consult members in English sixth form colleges after the employers made a final offer of a 1% increase on all pay points and London weighting and fringe area allowances.
“The final offer clearly does not meet the aspirations of UNISON’s claim, but the negotiating committee recognises that many colleges continue to be in financial difficulty,” said UNISON ational secretary Jon Richards.
The employers said they recognised UNISON’s concerns over the real fall in living standards suffered by staff - and particulalry low-paid members -because of the pay freeze over the last two years, But they said they were not in a position to improve their offer to meet UNISON’s claim for a substantial rise.
However, the employers agreed to set up a working group to review the union’s request for an additional day’s annual leave, a review of the pay spine and an increase in the support staff standards payment.
The negotiators are recommending the offer as the best that can be achieved through negotiation. Members should be aware that by rejecting the claim they would have to be prepared to take strike action.
“Teaching colleagues have been made the same offer and have agreed to consult on this basis,” Mr Richards added.
UNISON branches are being urged to consult members and let their region know the result by Friday 25 October.
If branches have any questions, they should contact Ben Thomas on 020 7121 5270 or b.thomas@unison.co.uk.