What’s it really like to be a healthcare student today? UNISON wants to know.
The union is asking students to take part in an online survey to gather evidence about their experience on placements and at university, and how it affects them and their family.
“We want to gather a detailed picture of what it’s really like for a student at the sharp end in 2015,” says UNISON head of nursing Gail Adams.
“It will take about 10-15 minutes to complete, but it’s really important that health students’ voices are heard – you don’t have to be a UNISON member to take part.
“All the information provided will be treated in confidence.”
UNISON will publish the results early in 2016, and will be used – anonymously – to back the union’s campaigning for students.
“Help us to help you make the student voice heard loud and clear,” says Ms Adams.
Take the survey now – or pass on the address to any healthcare students you know. You can find it at surveymonkey.com/r/GR9M9WQ.