Building workplaces fit for the future

Jeremy Corbyn has rightly identified the issues that we’re fighting to eliminate each and every day – massive wage disparity between those at the top and the bottom, poverty pay and insecure work. But he’s also looked ahead to the kind of country we need to build together.

Labour’s new kinder way will help to win people back to the party

UNISON welcomes Jeremy Corbyn’s vision of a ‘kinder, more caring’ society

UNISON comment on Jeremy Corbyn winning the Labour leadership election

Commenting on the Labour leadership result today (Saturday), UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis said:  “Today people for the first time in a decade are hearing a message of hope. “A clarion call that there is another way, an alternative message that it doesn’t need to be like this. People see in Jeremy a politician who […]

Austerity is not the only way, Prentis tells Newcastle rally

This is our chance to create a new path that offers hope that offers opportunity to all, UNISON general secretary tells Corbyn rally in Newcastle