Grimsby maternity support workers launch strike appeal

Maternity support workers at Diana Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby are fighting for proportionate backpay and need your support

Healthcare assistants rally outside James Cook University Hospital on Teeside

Why organising to win is a win-win

A successful campaign to get healthcare assistants in two Teesside hospital trusts re-banded, with back pay, is a textbook illustration of the value of the strategy

Article, Behind the headlines, Uncategorized on the Magazine site.
UNISON Northern region gather to march

Durham Miners’ Gala: ‘UNISON is strong and ready for a fight’

Over 200,000 people attended this summer’s event, which has been held annually in north east city since 1871

Help to save a piece of our industrial heritage

A former UNISON president is leading the appeal to save the home of the Durham Miners’ Association – one of the “100 irreplaceable buildings” in the UK

Council cleaners celebrate after seeing off outsourcing threat

UNISON campaigning sees Middlesbrough council drop privatisation plan

Further education colleges in crisis

The future of further education provision is in jeopardy, conference hears

Parents and children campaign at Westminster

Sunshine and showers – April’s highlights

April may have started with the Easter holidays but there was no rest for UNISON staff, activists and members. And there was only one issue on everyone’s mind – pay.

All eyes on the metro mayors

UNISON wants to see public services at the top of the agenda during the metro mayor elections

All eyes on the metro mayors

UNISON wants to see public services at the top of the agenda during the metro mayor elections

Behind the headlines, Magazine on the Magazine site.

Mark White OBE – member’s services to education recognised

‘I started my working life on 26 August 1982 and joined our union the same day’

Hundreds of Co Durham teaching assistants protest at pay cut plans

County council’s plans could see vital school staff lose £1,000 to £5,000 a year

‘Bursary or Bust’ is the cry as NHS students rally across England

Rallies and marches back the NHS bursary in London, Manchester and Newcastle

Austerity is not the only way, Prentis tells Newcastle rally

This is our chance to create a new path that offers hope that offers opportunity to all, UNISON general secretary tells Corbyn rally in Newcastle