Search Results for “Pay and conditions” Media tagged national delegate conference 2015

2015 national delegate conference preliminary agenda

Note: Items in this agenda are not UNISON policy until they have been debated and passed at conference

Media on the UNISON National site.

2015 national delegate conference final agenda

Note: Items in this agenda are not UNISON policy until they have been debated and passed at conference

Media on the UNISON National site.

2015 national delegate conference bulletin

This bulletin contains all the relevant information for the 2015 national delegate conference, including information on accommodation, travel forms and important deadlines

Media on the UNISON National site.

2014 NDC decisions not reached

This report by the NEC informs branches about what has happened on any motions not reached for debate at NDC 2014. Branches are asked to consider whether any of the motions should be re-submitted for NDC 2015 or not

Media on the UNISON National site.