Defining “Black”

Conference understands that UNISON has always used the term “Black” as an inclusive and political term. However, it is also clear that many members do not understand why it is used – particularly when their employer and public bodies may use the term BME. Conference calls on the NBMC to agree a concise definition and […]

Raising the profile of Black activists

Conference notes the motions carried at 2009 Black Members’ Conference regarding raising the profile of Black activists and increasing the number of Black members involved at branch, regional and national levels within the union. Conference also notes the Leadership School where activists can take steps to develop their leadership skills and take up positions of […]

Changes in Employment Law

In the light of George Osborne’s speech at the Tory Party Conference 2011 and subsequent proposals made by the Tory led Government regarding fees for Tribunals, Conference notes the particular damage any rise in fees will have for Race Discrimination cases. Conference condemns the Tories claim that these cases are ‘vexatious’ and their attempts to […]

Housing Benefit, Welfare Reform and BME Communities

Conference notes that the Tory Led Coalition is seeking to make major changes to the Welfare Benefit system and that these will have a direct and devastating impact on Black communities. The key changes are:- a. There will be a reduction in the amount of housing benefit awarded to social housing tenants of working age […]

What next for Equality and Human Rights?

Following the pathetic attempt at consultation employed by the Tory Led UK Government on the future of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) this year, it appears that the fate of the EHRC was already in the balance and any support for a National organization that leads on Equality, Diversity, Discrimination and Human Rights […]

Promoting ‘There4You’ to Black Members

Conference notes that black unemployment is at unacceptable levels and particularly with 44% of the UK’s young black males unemployed (the Guardian, 5 March 2012). According to government statistics (Office for National Statistics), figures show almost 22% youth unemployment for the UK as a whole in March 2012. ‘What is clear is that this recession […]

Young Black Members at Conference

Conference believes that national Black members conference provides an excellent opportunity for young Black members to find out more about key issues for Black members; to acquire skills in public speaking and organising around debates; to see Black trade union role models in action; and to be inspired to grow as activists and leaders. Conference […]

Black Voter Registration

Conference is concerned that Electoral Registration Commission research shows up to 56% of young people (aged 17 – 24 years), and almost a third of Black people entitled to a vote, are not on the electoral register. Conference believes that political representation is vital if Black people are to be heard in local and national […]

Support Democracy Movement – To End Human Rights Abuse in Burma

The British Government’s support for a UN Arms Embargo against Burma and an imposed ban on Burmese Gems, Timber, Metals, and on investments in these sectors, is very welcomed. However, it is time for further sanctions, as it is vital for us to pile up economic and political pressure on the military regime, to start […]

Kick It Out – Racism has no place in Football

With the events of racism being highlighted amongst several high profile football players, it is clear that the game has some way to go to shed itself of this vile and evil mindset. It is disappointing to hear the FIFA president Sebb Blatter under play the significance of racism in the game which raises concerns […]


Conference notes recent reports from Amnesty International about the detention centres in Libya. Far from the situation improving since the Gadaffi government was overthrown; the government security forces continue to arrest Black men from a number of African countries such as Nigeria and Mali accusing them of being mercenary’s who were fighting on behalf of […]

The Black Experience – UNISON’s Freedom of Information

UNISON’s initial freedom of information exercise conducted in London in 2012 revealed that a significant number of local authorities were shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs across the Capital which was having a disproportionate effect on Black workers. In seventeen of the Capital’s councils, Black workers were unfairly bearing the brunt of the cuts, and […]

Black Self Organisation – Organising for the Future

In a time of significant change and massive upheaval in the public sector never has it been more important for Black members and workers to be organising for the future. With the continued review of self-organisation and the interim report attached to the National Delegates report submitted in 2012, it was agreed that the work […]

United Nations 2011 Inspection of Race Relations in the UK

The United Nations (UN) has a number of mechanisms to help member states like Britain to improve how they tackle racism. As part of these processes member states report on their progress in adopting the mechanisms. In 2001 the UK government signed up to the UN World Conference Against Racism (WCAR) Durban Declaration and Programme […]

Support for the Justice for Christopher Alder Campaign

Christopher Alder, a former paratrooper, died in police custody in 1998. Christopher had gone to a nightclub in Hull with friends but had been assaulted there so badly that he needed to be taken to hospital. Staff at Hull Royal Infirmary decided that his behaviour was “extremely troublesome” even though this might have been a […]