Black Self Organisation – Organising for the Future

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2013 National Black Members' Conference
17 September 2012
Carried as Amended

In a time of significant change and massive upheaval in the public sector never has it been more important for Black members and workers to be organising for the future.

With the continued review of self-organisation and the interim report attached to the National Delegates report submitted in 2012, it was agreed that the work plan would concentrate on a number of work strands.

Conference also recognises that with trade union facility time being attacked; not all branches are moving forward with the equality agenda. What should we do to help branches to fulfil the above objective? As the tools we need are clearly laid out in various UNISON materials like the ‘Code of Good Branch Practice’ and ‘Equality in UNISON’; however we need a consistent approach to engaging with this initiative across regions and in branches. Such as encouraging regions to consider the provision of adequate resources and ring-fenced budgets (as in the North West Region) which have been effective in empowering members and allowing them the dignity and respect to campaign and fight in support of their issues in the ways they know best, whilst at all times continuing to meet UNISON’s four objectives.

It is the responsibility of the National Black Members Committee to drive the agenda on behalf of Black members to guide and support the objectives of the NEC in the future planning of Black self-organisation in UNISON.

Addressing the issues of the lack of opportunity and promotion in the workplace, mapping and recruiting Black members and setting up Black members Self-Organised groups as a crucial development strategy and implementation for the future survival of Black members in UNISON.

Conference calls on the NBMC to work with the NEC to:

1)Promote and encourage regions to set up a training programme on Black Self-Organisation, similar to the Black members going to conference initiative rolled out to regions several years ago

2)Ensure regions and branches are circulating information in articles like Black Action across branches to Black members and highlighting the Code of Good Branch Practice and the importance of resourcing Black members Self-Organised groups.

3)Ensure regions and branches are adhering to UNISON’s proportionality and fair representation in all conference delegations as part of the equality agenda across all structure of UNISON.

4)Monitor the impact any cuts in facility time are having on Branch Black Member Self-Organisation

5)Engage in the review and production of the final report for the NDC in 2013 following the consultation with branches and regions by the Self-Organised Project Group.

6)Report back on the initiative in point 1of the training programme through articles in Black Action, Regional Education and Training Programmes and the 2014 National Black Members Conference.