Recognition of our Families and Partnerships

Conference welcomes the broadening of the debate on recognition of lesbian and gay partnerships. Conference notes that the Government has set up a team in the Women and Equality Unit to look into the issue of civil partnership registration and its associated rights and responsibilities and welcomes the participation of UNISON members in a survey […]

UNISON’s 10th Anniversary

Conference notes that 2003 will be UNISON’s 10th Anniversary. This will be a milestone anniversary of the coming together of the original 3 unions (COHSE, NUPE and NALGO). These 10 years have seen many achievements that UNISON should be proud of. Therefore this anniversary should be an opportunity to reflect on our achievements and renew […]

Joint Scotland & Northern Ireland Training Event

Conference recognises the valuable experience that regional training offers to groups and individual members. This training is further beneficial when it involves more than one region, and in April of this year UNISON Scotland hosted a joint event with our colleagues in Northern Ireland. This event was a reciprocal event following on from the success […]

Term of Office on National Lesbian and Gay Committee

Conference instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) to increase the term of office for NLGC representatives from one to two years.