Whistleblowing In The Private Sector

This conference believes that Freedom to Speak up policies and guardians in the NHS is a positive step toward improving quality and transparency within the NHS. Recent cases in private care homes and hospitals demonstrate that there is a need for similar roles and processes to be rolled out in the private sector that is […]

NHS Ambulance Uniforms

Conference notes the current NHS uniforms provided to emergency crews by most NHS Ambulance Trusts are not fit for purpose: • Too hot in summer, • Too cold in the winter • Not designed or suitable for different genders. The majority of uniforms are varying shades of green which blend into the background contrary to […]

Ambulance and Hospital Pressures

Conference notes that across the UK, NHS Hospital and Ambulance staff have been performing under incredible pressures due to the Pandemic and that over-crowded wards prevents emergency departments from moving patients’ forwards. This over-crowding also prevents NHS Ambulance crews from bringing their patients into the hospitals; instead, the crews remain outside with their often critically […]

Science, Therapies and Technical staff as drivers for change for a greener NHS

NHS staff have a significant role to play in helping the NHS to achieve its net zero emissions target by 2040 and we welcome the work that has been taking place which highlights how staff such as AHPs, healthcare science and pharmacy technicians can support environmental sustainability. If anything, COP26 has demonstrated just how ill […]

Supporting the AHP support workforce

Conference welcomes the work by Health Education England on developing the role of Allied Health Professions Support Workers. Their AHP support workforce programme has been established to provide national leadership and support on recognising, developing, and expanding the non-registered AHP workforce. Conference also welcomes the work that UNISON has been doing jointly with the professional […]

Access to staff spaces in Healthcare work places

Conference is aware of the significant financial cuts in our Healthcare services in all four UK nations in at least the past three decades. Conference notes that where new facilities have been built, they have generally maximised the amount of clinical space but have minimised the amount of space allocated for other areas including changing […]

Domestic Violence is still a Workplace Issue

Conference recognises that a lot of work has been done in all 4 countries of the UK to raise awareness of Gender-Based Violence as a public health issue and to keep it on the agenda at a strategic level. Gender-Based Violence is an umbrella term that encompasses a spectrum of abuse experienced mostly by women […]

Reserve Pool of Staff

Everyone knows that the NHS is facing an increasing problem of recruiting and retaining staff. The recommendations on Flexible Working will hopefully do something to alleviate the difficulties in recruiting and retaining people as will hybrid working but these are not the only solutions. The NHS needs to adopt modern working practices and also learn […]


Conference notes with concern: 1 The rapid rise in fuel costs during the Autumn/Winter of 2021. 2 That a number of health roles continue to require the use of a car as public transport, cycling etc, cannot be used. This is a particular issue in rural areas. 3 That the current rates of mileage for […]

Disproportionate Impact of COVID on Black NHS Staff

This conference notes the even the NHS acknowledges that “there is evidence of disproportionate mortality and morbidity amongst black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) people, including our NHS staff, who have contracted COVID-19.” This was backed by the tragic facts that emerged during the pandemic: • Of the first 106 staff that died in 2020, […]

Contractual Sick Pay Campaign

Conference recognises the huge efforts made right across our region to protect and safeguard our members during the Covid-19 pandemic – this mobilisation was particularly evident when as a region we collectively demanded sufficient protections for our members in the event they were off work due to any Covid-19 related absence. This was no more […]

Time to Recognise all Community and Voluntary Sector Workers

Conference notes the £500 Recognition Payment Campaign launched by UNISON Community and Voluntary Sector Branch NI which called for all Community Sector frontline workers to be recognised for their heroic efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic, just like their counterparts working in the NHS. The campaign achieved the desired recognition for a select few frontline worker’s, […]

Reasonable adjustments for Disabled Members in Community

Conference welcomes the initiatives taken to date by the Community Service Group to advance the rights of disabled members in the workplace. Conference notes that the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed the structural inequality disabled people face but has also created the opportunity to confront discrimination and inequality in our workplaces in a way that allows […]

COVID secure workplaces for Disabled Members working in community

Conference is concerned that 60% of all people who have died from COVID were disabled and nearly half a million people have had long COVID for over a year. Long COVID can be a debilitating condition impacting on carrying out daily activities including duties at work. Conference notes that our members working in the community […]

Trans equality in the community sector – louder and prouder!

The toxic debate ignited by the United Kingdom government’s consultation on reforming the Gender Recognition Act underlined the importance of our union, including branches in the Community Service Group, supporting and representing our trans members effectively. Attacks on trans people escalated further in 2021. Groups trying to roll back the rights of trans people have […]