NHS Ambulance Uniforms

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2022 Health Care Service Group Conference
8 December 2021

Conference notes the current NHS uniforms provided to emergency crews by most NHS Ambulance Trusts are not fit for purpose:

• Too hot in summer,

• Too cold in the winter

• Not designed or suitable for different genders.

The majority of uniforms are varying shades of green which blend into the background contrary to regulations covering workers near vehicles and roadways which require workers (including ambulance crews) to wear Hi-Viz protective clothing at all times when near moving vehicles including within garages and manoeuvring areas.

Conference notes that across Europe, ambulance services have improved their uniform designs to accommodate the different genders, allowed for seasonal variations and have included hi-viz bands which meet the current regulations which regrettably we fail to achieve.

Our service carried out a joint risk assessment of the current ambulance uniform which confirms the uniform is not fit for purpose, but there has been no sign of any forthcoming changes.

Conference instructs the Health Service Group Executive to raise the issue with the NHS Ambulance Services and campaign for uniforms be redesigned to meet both the physical requirements of individual staff members and the statutory health and safety duties of employers.