Professional regulation of healthcare staff

Conference notes that professional registration is a topic of great interest to UNISON members working in healthcare. Many of our members are required to be professionally registered to practise their professions. For some members such as healthcare assistants UNISON has long-standing policy aspirations for a statutory registration scheme. For other parts of our membership our […]

Seven day services and safe staffing

Conference believes that moves to seven day operation must be carried out on a case by case basis informed by a robust evidence base. Conference asserts that extending the hours NHS services operate will require additional funding and cannot be achieved from within existing resources. Conference recognises that current Agenda for Change unsocial hours payments […]

Campaign for better mental health services

Conference notes that mental health services continue to suffer from lack of adequate funding and poor staff to service user ratios. Many service users have been hit by cuts in welfare benefits and other austerity measures. Many staff work extra hours without pay in order to try to keep their services going; they have faced […]

Dementia Friends

Conference congratulates The Scottish Health Committee in becoming Dementia Friends. A Dementia Friends information session is a free interactive and informative training course that provides you with an understanding of how to interact with people who have dementia. Five key dementia messages are brought to life through a number of activities delivered by trained Dementia […]

Monitor’s proposals threaten safe staffing

Conference notes with concern the letter sent out in Summer 2015 by Monitor and the Trust Development Authority to all provider trusts in England asking them to take urgent measures to reduce the predicted national £2 billion health deficit. The measures suggested include “to ensure vacancies are filled only where essential”, but does not explain […]

Unsocial Hours

Health Conference notes the outcome of the Pay Review Body’s report on any barriers that unsocial hours payments place on introducing seven-day services across the NHS in England, Cymru/Wales and Northern Ireland which was published in July 2015; and conference cautiously welcomes the conclusion that there was no case for radical change to the Agenda […]

Refreshing Agenda for Change

Conference notes that negotiations have been taking place with NHS Employers over refreshing Agenda for Change. Conference calls on the Health Service Group Executive to reject any proposals that lead to a detriment to our members.


Conference notes that the Government made a promise of an increase in the annual funding for the NHS of £8bn more above the annual rate in inflation by 2020. Conference demands that the Government not only keeps its promise but that it pays the extra £ 8bn now. This payment needs to be actioned now […]


This conference believes that it is vital to reverse the trend of reducing training opportunities for all healthcare staff. Training is a casualty of the reduction in funding and ongoing staff shortages. More than a third of nursing staff do not feel adequately updated with their core training. This issue is relevant to health service […]

Health and Safety Expertise within Branches

Conference has concerns in regards to the way Healthcare organisations are attempting to meet the safer staffing levels recommended by the Francis Report. Often organisations are meeting these staffing requirements by the use of poor or inadequate skill mixing which includes the use of unsatisfactory banding levels of agency and bank staff in most health […]

Student Funding & the NHS Bursary

The decision by George Osbourne in the comprehensive spending review to scrap the NHS Bursary is short sighted and will have serious implications for the future of our NHS workforce. The shortage we currently have of nurses and midwives is as a direct result of the previous Government’s decision to slash pre registration training in […]

Oppose privatisation, rethink commissioning

Conference believes that the way NHS services are commissioned in England has to change. Conference reiterates its opposition to NHS privatisation and notes that since the Health and Social Care Act 2012 came into force it is far easier for clinical and support services to be sold off, and increasingly even the actual commissioning itself. […]

Agenda for Change pay scales – Don’t scrap the system, make it better!

Consistent underfunding of the NHS since 2010, the refusal of the Westminster Government to support Agenda for Change and local pressure from irresponsible employers has meant we have spent the last five years defending rather than improving our national agreement. As a result, we have an agreement which we are committed to fight for, but […]

Safe staffing across the NHS

Conference congratulates UNISON on its safe staffing campaign, which has done much to keep this important issue in the news in recent years. Given the findings of the Francis inquiry and media coverage of the issue, Conference believes it is entirely appropriate that the campaign has so far focused largely on staffing levels in the […]

Promoting the health and wellbeing of NHS Staff

Conference notes that employers have a duty of care to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of their staff. Pledge 3 of the NHS Constitution (England) – a document whose principles are supported by all UK health departments – also makes a commitment to staff to maintain their health, wellbeing and safety. However, Conference is […]