Conference notes with alarm the savage reductions in staffing levels of donor collection staff and the closure of processing centres. The reduction of staff in teams has meant consistent understaffing, leading to stress, extended working days with the resultant damage to personal and family life. Whilst UNISON recognises the fall in demand for blood, it […]


Conference notes the requirements for Equality Schemes and Equality Impact Assessments under the provisions for ‘positive equalities duties’ relating to race, gender and disability. Conference further notes: 1. Recent equality legislation including the Employment Equality Regulations covering sexual orientation and religion or belief; the Civil Partnership Act; the provisions of the Equality Act 2006 banning […]


Conference notes the various Award schemes run by different NHS Employers to reward unbroken long service to its employees. These awards taking the form of vouchers, badges, meals, hampers and certificates presented at certain stages of what that particular employer deems as long service. Whilst this recognises the contribution and efforts of employees who have […]


Conference is appalled by the continuing discrimination by employers in the National Health Service towards disabled members when using Sickness Absence policies. Many Employers in both Private and Public Sectors of the NHS carry the two tick logo. Schemes like the ‘Bradford Factor’, where a disabled Members could pick up 1000’s of points with ongoing […]


Conference notes and supports the important historical role the community and voluntary sector has provided in shaping public services – not as an alternative for directly-employed public sector workers, but as an innovator, working with the NHS and campaigning for new ideas and ways of working. Examples include the maternity and midwifery services built up […]


Conference welcomes the initial work on gender identity undertaken by the Department of Health’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Advisory Group (SOGIAG) and the NHS Scotland LGBT Health Inclusion Project. Conference welcomes the increased profile of transgender issues but notes that trans people still face considerable hurdles accessing healthcare and the NHS does not yet […]

Skinny Models

Conference applauds the Spanish government in taking the first step on putting pressure on the Association of Fashion Designers to use a calculation known as the Body Mass Index (BMI), which is based on weight and height to reject excessively thin models. The World Health Organisation says a person’s BMI should be between 18 and […]

Promoting the Gender Equality Duty

Conference is pleased to note that with effect from April 2007, there will be a statutory duty on all public authorities to have due regard to the need to: 1)eliminate unlawful sex discrimination; 2)promote equality of opportunity between men and women Public authorities will no longer be able to simply respond to complaints of sex […]

Preservation of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Vision

Conference is pleased to note that UNISON has purchased the site of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital for conversion to its new national office. Elizabeth Garret Anderson (EGA) 1836-1917 was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the United Kingdom (UK) in 1865. As universities did not admit women she had a struggle, […]

Women in Prison

Conference notes that despite the shortage of prison places, and the current overcrowding in Britain’s jails, women are still far more likely to receive custodial sentences than men committing comparable crimes. Conference is also concerned to note that despite comprising only six per cent of the prison population, 55 per cent of all self-harm incidents […]

Sex Tourism

Conference notes with concern the recent increase in the numbers of men travelling abroad solely for the purpose of procuring sex. Whilst Conference acknowledges that this increase is partly due to the availability of cheaper air fares, Conference is also aware that sex tourism is yet another by-product of globalisation, which has amplified disparities of […]

Women’s Right to Choose – The Time to Act is Now

Conference is concerned that a woman’s right to access safe and legal abortion is increasingly coming under attack. Pro Life, a misleadingly titled anti-choice organisation which aims to criminalise all abortion, is gaining media time and coverage. They have already influenced and encouraged an Early Day Motion which commits Parliament to a review of the […]

Violence Against Women

Conference welcomes the recent report of the Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) entitled “In-Depth Study on all Forms of Violence against Women” which acknowledges the role of violence against women (VAW) in perpetuating the subordination of women in all societies throughout the globe. The UN report specifically states that strengthening efforts to achieve […]

Free Immunisation Against Cervical Cancer

Conference believes that all girls and women should, by right, have access to free immunisation against cervical cancer as soon as the vaccine is licensed. Conference also believes that it is obscene that a vaccine that it is known will save lives is likely to be made available on an ability to pay basis. Conference […]

Increasing LGBT Women’s Participation in Women’s Self-Organisation

Conference welcomes the work carried out by the National Women’s Committee on involving LGBT women in women’s self-organisation. Conference notes that it is now nearly two years since the rule amendment was passed that introduced the LGBT group and enabled bisexual and transgender women to self-organise on the grounds of their sexual orientation and gender […]