Conference recognises there is increasing recognition of issues facing LGBT service users, in particular welcoming the publication of “Not Just a Friend” giving guidance on the recognition of same sex relationships. Conference further welcomes that equality and diversity have been recognised as core standards in the NHS and also recognises that the Local Government Association […]

Commission for Equality and Human Rights

In June 2004 the government was consulting on a white paper Fairness for All on the setting up of a commission for equality and human rights. This commission will replace existing equality bodies including theDisability Rights Commission. Conference notes that equality legislation is different for different groups (such as race, gender, disability, sexuality). In particular […]

Monitoring of Attendance of Disabled Delegates to National Delegate Conference

UNISON is committed to achieving proportionality and fair representation at conferences and throughout its structures. Currently branches entitled to send larger delegations are obliged to maintain reserved seats for low paid members, young members and other under-represented groups. There are processes in place to ensure that this is monitored for women and black members. This […]

Amendment to Rule D.4 – Self-Organised Groups


Glasgay! is the UK’s largest multi-arts festival for multi-sexual people and their friends. Every November the festival presents the best gay art from around the world with events spanning comedy, music, film, theatre, visual art, performance art, literature, club nights, education events, community arts projects and even a traditional Scottish Ceilidh dance. The last year […]

Rights of Caucuses

The members of the Lesbian and Gay Caucus are concerned at views heard around this venue, during the 2003 Disabled Members’ Conference, questioning the appropriateness of the rights of caucuses. In particular the view that caucuses should have no practical function within conference. As Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members we feel offended by these views. […]

Fair Representation

Conference notes the lack of black disabled members in attendance. The number here is even fewer than at the last Conference in 2002. The Black Disabled Members’ Caucus expressed ongoing concerns and now calls upon the National Disabled Members’ Committee to liaise with the National Executive Council to take all necessary measures to ensure that […]

Genetic Testing in the Workplace

Conference is appalled by the response to the recent research conducted by Genewatch UK into employers’ views about the use of genetic testing in the workplace. This research findings showed that despite their poor predictive value, many employers wish to use genetic test results and many research projects are seeking to identify people who are […]

Supporting Disabled Parents

Conference welcomes the research conducted by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that showed the common barriers that disabled people face in their role as parents. In particular we are concerned that public services fail to provide: 1)policies and services without consulting or involving disabled parents; 2)accessible advice and information including advocacy and peer support; 3)adequate services […]

Community Development

Conference recalls the National Executive Council’s decision that UNISON affiliate to the Standing Conference for Community Development (SCCD) and that this decision was taken as a result of a proposal made in the first place by the Youth and Community Workers Forum to the Service Group Executive. The forum’s original aim was to seek to […]

Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council

Conference notes that: 1. in 2001 the Trades Union Congress (TUC) General Council was enlarged to include three new sections, H, I and J, each consisting of one seat and representing, respectively, trade unionists with disabilities, lesbian and gay trade unionists and trade unionists under 27 years of age. In 2002 bisexual and transgender trade […]

Making it Happen

Conference welcomes the union’s continuing commitment to developing an organising culture, and the priority being given to work aimed at increasing participation of members in union activity, at all levels, and improving workplace organisation. Conference believes that improving workplace organisation depends on the union’s ability to recruit more members, and to attract more members to […]

Supporting the Jamica Forum for Lesbians, All-Sexuals and Gays (J-FLAG)

Conference notes: 1.Jamaica is one of over 70 countries where gay men and lesbians face persecution and death – either perpetrated or condoned by the national government; 2.homophobia is rife on the island (although many Jamaicans are not bigots); 3.there have been numerous reports and testimonies highlighting brutal violent attacks on lesbians and gay men. […]

Disabled Lesbian and Gay Members’ Day

Conference is concerned that disabled lesbian and gay members were excluded from having a network day under the auspices of the National Disabled Members’ Committee (NDMC), although disabled black members had an equivalent meeting organised for them by the NDMC on 13th September 2003. Conference calls upon the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to make […]

Working with STONEWALL

This Conference is proud of UNISON’s history of working in partnership with many organisations to campaign for equality for our members. This Conference is particularly proud of the close working relationship which the National Lesbian and Gay Committee (NLGC) has had with Stonewall over the years. This Conference notes that many organisations have been involved […]