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2003 National Lesbian & Gay Conference
17 November 2003

Glasgay! is the UK’s largest multi-arts festival for multi-sexual people and

their friends. Every November the festival presents the best gay art from

around the world with events spanning comedy, music, film, theatre, visual art,

performance art, literature, club nights, education events, community arts

projects and even a traditional Scottish Ceilidh dance.

The last year has seen enormous growth for the festival. November 2002 saw twice as many people come to Glasgay! events as well as a 200% increase in sold out events. There was three times as much press coverage as previous years, with Glasgay! events garnering fantastically positive reviews. There was also strong interest from international gay magazines and travel magazines. Twice as many high-calibre international artists took part in the festival and Scottish artists were joined by artists from London, Amsterdam, New York, San Francisco, Sydney and Rio de Janeiro.

When deciding what type of work to programme Glasgay! likes to embrace a wide range. Some of the work is mainstream with a traditional appeal whilst some of it is innovative and experimental. So there is always an explicit reason for it being programmed in a gay festival such as gay themes, gay interest or gay

artists. Some work focuses very heavily on gay issues while other work is more


For the first time last year, Glasgay! undertook a detailed survey to find out

exactly who comes to the festival and the results were absolutely fascinating.

10% of the audience had travelled from outside of Scotland just to come to the

festival. 47% in 2002 were first-time attendees to the festival. The

audience is more youthful than traditional arts audiences, with over 60% of

people aged below 35. There is an equal balance of men and women – unusual

amongst LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) events as they are normally dominated by men.

In 2003 UNISON Scotland has been able to continue our involvement with

Glasgay! It was agreed that UNISON Scotland would be able to support Glasgay! to the sum of £2000 which would ensure that UNISON Scotland would receive :

1.UNISON logo on website list of sponsors;

2.UNISON logo in Glasgay! brochure;

3.UNISON logo included in Underground and other poster advertising;

4.UNISON sponsorship of the Tron as a Glasgay! Venue;

5.UNISON promotional display at Tron during the festival;

6.UNISON web link on Glasgay! website;

7.UNISON included in Glasgay! email to email list.

This conference recognises that Glasgay! is a National Lesbian and Gay (L&G) Event and agrees that we should now, as we both enter our second decade of existence, increase UNISON’s involvement substantially.

Conference recognises the importance of continuing and developing the link between the festival and the trade union movement.

Conference notes that previous discussion has taken place between Scottish and National Committees and now instructs the National Lesbian and Gay Committee to submit an application to the General Political Fund for some UK funding to allow the increased involvement of UNISON into the Glasgay! Festival.

CostAn annual (for at least two years) amount of £10,000.

ProfileWould be ‘part of’ Glasgay! Festival. Member on Board of Directors involved in planning events.

·UNISON’s name would be associated with a major event and the festival (Logo/ adverts/ flyers/ stall).


··UNISON would be credited in all marketing/publicity.


··Glasgay! Could be involved in promoting UNISON initiatives at the festival.


The benefits of being associated with the UK’s largest L&G arts festival and being able to input UNISON ideas/policies/campaigns into the festival are clear. In addition the fact that Glasgow is hosting ILGA (International Lesbian and Gay Association) Europe in the year of our 10th Anniversary allows the union to add an international dimension. This partnership is also in line with UNISONs recruitment theme “look how we’ve grown”.

Conference welcomes and congratulates UNISON Scotland for taking the

opportunity to develop a national recruitment facility by allowing anyone

within the UK to request additional information on UNISON via their web link

with Glasgay!

Conference looks forward to fermenting stronger links with Glasgay! and

given the wide repertoire of UNISON Lesbian and Gay Conference songs looks

forward to the possibility of commissioning its own “Sing-a-long-a-UNISON”.

Conference notes that it would be a real “TRAGEDY” if we didn’t seize this
