Conference notes that in a recent survey, 51% of the population prefer to remain living together in long-term relationships without feeling the need to go through a ceremony of marriage. If UNISON members reflect society, then this would mean over half a million members, including retired members, will find themselves in this position. There is […]


Conference notes that according to a report published by the Building Research Establishment “Homes and Ageing in England” more than 2 million older people live in homes that fail to meet the Decent Homes Standard, with 1.3 million in homes with a serious hazard resulting in additional and unnecessary costs to the NHS, particularly from […]


We have taken this heading from the title of an evidence review commissioned by Age UK, and published in April 2015. The review is seen as a way of bringing attention to this problem at a time of increasing risk and vulnerability. It is suggested that, among other things, the recent reforms to private pensions […]

Mental Ill- Health, Mental Health Related Illnesses and Awareness Monitoring.

The problems of mental ill-health and mental health related illnesses are some of the biggest difficulties facing our members at work today. When jobs are under threat, pay packets are being frozen and workloads are increasing, the mental health of employees is always likely to be affected. Over the last two decades, we have all […]


UNISON remains committed to gender equality within all our pay structures and we commend the highly successful on-going campaign financed and delivered by our organisation to achieve this end. At the same time low pay and lower pay appears to have been largely ignored by UNISON as a priority of our members and most development […]

Negotiating workplace domestic abuse policies

Conference notes that the majority of victims of the most severe forms of domestic abuse – and therefore those who are most affected – are women. In the energy service group women account for around 75% of the membership, and this is therefore an issue which has a significant impact on our members in the […]

Consideration of a Rule Change

The region notes that under Section C no.2.6.3 it specifies that ‘Retired Members shall be entitled to attend branch meetings and to vote on issues not relating to the pay and conditions of members in employment. They will be entitled to stand for office and vote only for the positions in the Retired Members’ organisation […]


Conference notes recent media reports highlighting the issue of elderly patients who are approaching the end of their lives often being left on trolleys in hospital corridors with insufficient pain relief and left alone to die. Conference agrees this demonstrates a total lack of dignity, care and respect and as such is totally unacceptable. Whilst […]


Conference notes that delayed discharge from hospital by elderly patients, commonly known as bed blocking is a major problem in many hospitals. Following admission to and treatment in hospital when elderly patients are well enough to be discharged they are frequently unable to do so for two main reasons: 1. some have been admitted from […]


Conference is extremely alarmed at the confusing muddle and poor level of provision of out-of-hours services in the NHS. This particularly affects elderly and retired people trying to stay living in their own homes and not to burden the diminishing public services, and seeking not to lose all their means by being placed in a […]


Conference notes that whilst dementia can apply to people of all ages it primarily affects older people. Conference further notes that the level of funding for dementia research is considerably lower than that for other illnesses. Conference believes that there is an urgent need to increase the amount of money needed for research into the […]

Hands off universal benefits

Conference opposes any attempts by Governments across the UK to cut universal benefits for older people such as the winter fuel payment, free bus pass, free prescriptions and free TV licences. These benefits are essential to ensuring a decent standard of living and social inclusion for millions of pensioners who face daily poverty, fuel poverty […]

117 Aftercare for the elderly and retired members

Conference is concerned at the effects of Section 117 of the Mental Health Act especially as far as it affects elderly and retired people. Section 117 of the Mental Health Act places a statutory duty of aftercare on Health (Health Authority delegated to Primary Care Trusts) and Local Social Services Authorities (LSSA) to provide aftercare […]

Older People and the NHS

Conference is concerned to note that, as a result of a United Nations Directive, services provided for older people within the National Health Service may have to be curtailed as more resources are given to people who are under 34 years of age. This will happen unless more resources are put into the NHS to […]


In February this year research by the National Energy Action group warned that at least 100,000 householders could die needlessly across the UK between now and 2030 due to an inability to heat their homes properly. 75% of those affected will be pensioners which will include UNISON Retired Members. The report from manifesto for Warmth […]