Women hit hardest

Conference notes that, in addition to the pay freeze, there is a hidden impact of this government’s agenda on public sector wages on women working in local government. 75% of workers in local government are women, and more than half of those work part-time. Recent research by the Policy Institute has found that in the […]

Youth Services and Mutualisation

Conference is concerned that the emphasis of delivery in the Government’s positive for youth policy lies with commissioning the community and voluntary sector and the encouragement of mutualisation. Conference is concerned that the commissioning agenda will lead to a massive detriment to terms and conditions across both voluntary and statutory youth sectors, a continuing shift […]

Cuts in Youth Services

Conference deplores the tsunami of cuts to youth services in the statutory and voluntary sectors. Across the country, councils are taking an axe to their youth services – the very youth clubs and projects cited by the prime minister as examples of excellence are being lost. The workforce is facing major redundancies and those workers […]

Challenging Racism, defending public services

Conference notes with deep concern new research by UNISON on the disproportionate impact of public services cuts on Black workers. This research, conducted as part of UNISON’s Challenging Racism in the Workplace, and piloted in Greater London late last year, showed that Black employees in Local Government were paying the price for public service cuts […]

Living Wage and Not Regional Pay

This Conference notes with concern the failure of the National Employers to offer or properly negotiate an affordable pay settlement. In reality UNISON members in local government are suffering a multi-year pay cut compounded by inflation rate and cost of living increases and the failure of the Government £250 settlement to be awarded. Local Government […]

Administration of Medicines and Medical Procedures in Schools and Other Educational Settings

Conference notes that discussions continue with governments’ across the UK, around responsibility for administration of medicines and medical procedures in educational settings. Current guidance requires schools to develop policies on administration of medicine and medical procedures to support with pupils with health conditions. Staff are expected to administer a range of treatment, from basic medicines […]

RPI not CPI for indexation of pensions

Conference condemns the decision of the coalition government to change the indexation of pensions from the Retail Price Index (RPI) to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from April 2011. Conference believes that this change in indexation from RPI to CPI together with the rising cost of living will result is a significant increase in pensioner […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 10.2 Delete “nominate” and add “elect” and after “Panel”, “in line with the Union’s elections procedures.”


Conference welcomes news that there are still some positive developments in respect of apprentices in local government, such as the recent agreement between St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Forest Heath District Council and UNISON to work together to deliver high quality apprenticeships and help towards easing youth unemployment in West Suffolk. Conference is concerned however […]

What future for young people in local government?

Conference notes that a substantial proportion of the local government workforce is due to retire in the next 10 years, yet little is being done to encourage young people into the service. Cuts are leading to job losses and reducing the opportunities for young people to join the service. Conference believes that the attacks on […]

Rule D Sectors

Rule D 3.7.3 After “shall be” insert “directly or”

Consultation on LGPS Proposals

This Conference welcomes the completion of the lengthy negotiations on the future of the LGPS and the opportunity for members to now individually and collectively determine their view on the proposals. Conference endorses the following position agreed by the LG Service Group Executive on 31st May 2012: “This SGE shares the frustration over delays in […]

LGPS 2014 Examples

Conference notes that proposals for the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) were released on 31 May 2012. Conference further notes that the factsheet “LGPS 2014 – Examples”, published on UNISON’s website on 31 May uses different assumptions for price and earnings growth than those used in the UNISON pensions calculator publicised in protect our pensions […]


Conference notes and reaffirms UNISON’s existing policy and the leading role taken by UNISON and its predecessor unions on Palestine over more than two decades. Central to this policy is the right to self-determination and justice for the Palestinian people culminating in a viable, sovereign and contiguous independent Palestinian state alongside a secure Israel. Conference […]

Young People

Conference believes that young people are amongst those most likely to suffer as a consequence of the damaging policies pursued by the Tory-led government. In particular, Conference condemns the shameful record of the government on youth unemployment with more than a million young people now out of work, the highest number since records began. These […]