The impact of an ageing workforce on Allied Health Professionals

Conference believes that the NHS needs to attract and retain the best Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) to ensure good quality services to patients. However, the AHP workforce is ageing, with a fall in the youngest age group and a rise in age groups of 45 and over. This creates difficulties in attracting new staff, since […]

Congratulate all those for achieving the yes vote in the pensions ballot

Bucks Health branch of UNISON recognises all the hard work and effort that has gone into getting a yes vote for the pensions dispute, despite the state of the economy and with many fearing for their jobs. We note that the lead given by the union leadership and branch activists has been successful in getting […]

Stress-related mental health issues

This Conference believes that the Con-Dem coalition Government’s cuts and outsourcing in the NHS are creating pressure on staff who face increasingly stressful working conditions and anxiety over job security, future prospects and career progression. This Conference believes that it is essential that as an employer the NHS provides appropriate support for staff in this […]

Cuts hurt us all

Conference notes that the Tory-led Government continues to wreak havoc on the NHS. Across the UK, spending increases in the NHS are stopping, at a time when inflation and other cost pressures are increasing, resulting in tighter budgets, demands for efficiency savings and staffing reductions via voluntary severance and vacancies being left unfilled. Conference notes […]

Defending Our National Agreement

Our union has invested significant resources in the development, implementation and improvement of the Agenda for Change agreement. In addition to the massive change management programme required to move to the Agenda for Change agreement from 2004, the union has recognised that Agenda for Change is a national agreement that can adapt to remain sustainable […]

Personalisation should not mean privitisation

Conference notes that the Tory-led government intends to roll out personal health budgets in England without a robust pilot programme having taken place or assessed. Initial assessment of the limited data already available suggests that difficulties are occurring. Conference believes that it is extremely foolish to introduce a system into the NHS without proper testing […]