Electronic Submission of Motions to National Black Members Conference

Conference notes the processes and procedures used for a number of years for the submission of motions to the National Black Members Conference. The process currently sets specific dates for motions to be submitted to the Conference Office and currently this can be done by post or fax. We live in a world that is […]

Training and Work Opportunites for Black Mem over age of 50

This conference notes that a New Deal Plus is a Government initiative by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) to engage with unemployed people over the age of 50 to access training and employment. Conference is deeply concerned that only 17 out of 32,000 adults in the Reading area who were placed via the […]

United Nations (UN) World Conference Against Racism 2001

This Conference notes that UNISON sent a delegation to the UN World Conference against Racism 2001 as it did to the UN Women’s World Conference. We applaud the fact that a conference of over 160 nation states agreed that slavery was a crime against humanity even though the United Kingdom and the United States of […]

Black Pride – Inclusion and Unity

Conference notes that the first United Kingdom Black Pride took place on 19 August 2006, making history in the Black and Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) communities in Britain. UNISON was a key supporter for this event, however, the awareness of Black LGBT peoples existence is limited. There has been increased visibility of Black […]

A Commission For Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) that Delivers real Equality for all

Conference notes the Government’s manifesto commitment to introduce a Single Equality Act through a Discrimination Law Review was charged with developing a ‘simpler, fairer legal framework that fits the needs of 21st century Britain’. The fact that 18 months after the establishment of the Discrimination Law Review, no proposals or process of public consultation on […]

Supporting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Asylum Seekers

National Black Members Conference believes: a)to be LGBT remains illegal in many countries across the world, with LGBT people facing life prison sentences, beatings, rape, torture and even death; b)even in countries where the state does not officially sanction severe repression of LGBT people, homophobia and transphobia are rife; c) the United Kingdom (UK) asylum […]

Tackling High Levels of Unemployed Black Disabled People

Conference notes that the number of unemployed Black disabled people is rising significantly. Indeed, recent figures indicate that Black disabled people are amongst the highest unemployed groups in society. This is unacceptable and discriminatory in a climate that is supposed to be committed to promoting and eliminating unlawful discrimination in the workplace. With the Agenda […]

Progress of Black Members Issues in UNISON

The motion titled “PROGRESS OF BLACK MEMBERS’ ISSUES IN UNISON” Submitted by the National Black Members’ Conference held January 2006 to UNISON National Delegate Conference 20 – 23 June 2006 was not reached at National Delegate Conference June 2006. Birmingham Branch Black Members Self Organised Group calls on the National Black Members Conference 2007 to […]

Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006

As a result of the new immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, someone who has been accepted as a work permit holder will have to live through five years of uncertainty until the UK Government confirms they can remain here permanently and be granted permanent resident status. Conference believes that it is unfair that this […]

Disability Discrimination Act

West Midlands Regional Disabled Self-Organised Forum notes that with the further provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act coming into effect on the 4 December 2006 instructs the National Disabled Members Committee to work with both National and Regional Unison Education Officers to produce and provide a specialised training programme for Lay Activists and Staff in […]

Employment and Disability (Access to Work)

This Conference notes that: 1)There are 6.8 million disabled people of working age in Britain – 1 in 5 of the total working population. 2)Only 50% of disabled people of working age are in employment compared to 81% of non-disabled people. 3)1 million disabled people without a job want to work 4)The average gross hourly […]

Amendment to NDMC constitution 01

1)Item i) first paragraph, last sentance “Such members must be Deaf native British Sign Language Users and at least one shall be a woman”. Delete native as British Sign Language Users and insert and/or Hearing impaired 2)Item vii) where members are listed Deaf Members insert and/or Hearing Impaired


Assistance Dogs not only make available a specific service to their handlers, but also develop their lives to the highest degree with a new sense of freedom and liberty. The goals regarding individuals with disabilities are to guarantee equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and financially viable independence. The use of Assistance dogs helps […]


Disabled people who hold a Disabled Persons Railcard have derived much benefit from the fact that they can economically access the national railway network. It is therefore difficult for a Disabled Persons Railcard holder to find that Transport for London do not recognise the Disabled Persons Railcard as a document on which the holder can […]


Conference is concerned about the Government’s respect initiative, in particular its effect on people who are neurodiverse. Conference recognises that neurodiverse people are often extremely marginalise. Many face daily harassment and discrimination due to the failure of society to acknowledge and meet their support/needs. Conference believes that anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) are being served on […]