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2006 National Disabled Members' Conference
7 July 2006

Conference is concerned about the Government’s respect initiative, in particular its effect on people who are neurodiverse. Conference recognises that neurodiverse people are often extremely marginalise. Many face daily harassment and discrimination due to the failure of society to acknowledge and meet their support/needs.

Conference believes that anti-social behaviour orders (ASBOs) are being served on young neurodiverse people without any understanding of their impairments. for example, a young man with Tourette’s Syndrome recently received an ASBO requiring him to stop swearing. Another young man with Asbergers was served with an ASBO to prevent him from looking over a neighbour’s garden wall.

Conference believes the Respect Initiative could result in more cases than these in which, in addition to potentially criminalising the oppression of neurodiverse people, is liable to adversely impact on their life chances.

Conference calls on the National Disabled Members Committee to campaign for changes to policy, law, practice and procedures and for monitoring of ASBOs given to neurodiverse people. We have also asked the NDMC to seek the support of the NEC and other bodies throughout UNISON and for the union nationally to work closely with Liberty and other organisations campaigning against ASBOs.