Rolling Out the Elder Abuse Campaign to Branches and Other Regions

This Conference notes that elder abuse is the only form of abuse that is not a Statutary Specific Criminal Offence. There is a “Memorandum of Understanding”, that requires the Courts to take into account the age of the victim when considering punishment. The Greater London Regional Retired Members Committee are campaigning against elder abuse to […]

Supporting the Campaign for Human and Democratic Rights in the Middle East

Conference notes: 1)the movement for social and economic justice and political freedom that have swept across the Middle East and North Africa, following the revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt 2)and welcomes the success of the popular movement in Tunisia in bringing to an end the rule of dictatorship in that country; 3)the courage and determination […]

Cuts Are Not the Cure

Conference believes there is an alternative to the ideologically driven economic programme of the Conservative led Coalition government in Westminster. The drastic cuts in spending fail to recognize the need of the country to grow our way out of recession and are devastating communities and forcing a new generation into unemployment whilst hitting the most […]

Defending Our Pensions

Conference notes that pensions represent the most important condition of employment after pay itself. Pension is deferred pay that enables workers to survive into old age and, hopefully, avoiding poverty. Conference believes that every worker in the UK deserves a decent income on reaching retirement. Public Sector pensions have consistently been under attack from employers […]

Role of Retired Members in UNISON

Conference recognises the different role and contribution of retired members to their working counterparts and accepts that their involvement in UNISON is more limited. However Conference believes that many retired members still have much to offer the union and that their preclusion from almost all aspects of its work is not necessarily in UNISON’s best […]


Conference welcomes and endorses that it is among UNISON’s aims to seek to ensure equality of treatment and fair representation for all members and their right to be treated with dignity and respect. UNISON and the former partner unions recognised long ago that this needs more than goodwill and that there must be clear arrangements […]

Campaigning with the Community and Voluntary Sector to fight the cuts

Conference recognises that the first and most important job of every UNISON branch is to get out into workplaces and talk to our members about the cuts. Until we get our members on board we cannot expect to be leading any community based campaigning. Conference also recognises that our members are active in their own […]


UNISON and its members face unprecedented challenges with cuts in public sector spending and up to one million jobs directly under threat; wages frozen and reducing in value as inflation runs at 4% and above; pensions under threat and employers attacking terms and conditions. Branches and activists are under intense pressure responding to these attacks […]

The Big Society – Nothing about us, without us, is for us

Conference calls on the National Executive Committee to build on its current campaign to expose, challenge and defeat Cameron’s twisted concept of the Big Society. The slogan “Nothing about us, without us, is for us” has been used by marginalised groups across the world who are excluded from making decisions which affect their daily lives. […]

Branch Funding

Conference notes that the current scheme for funding branches was introduced in 2001. Since its introduction the National Executive Council has monitored the scheme and the effects of its operation, particularly in relation to the changing disparities in the reserves held by branches. Conference therefore calls on the National Executive Council to review the current […]

Rule I Disciplinary Action

Rule I 8.4 Add new point 8.4 “censure of the member;” and renumber current rules accordingly.

Rule G Branch Organisation

Insert new rule G 1.3: “Each branch shall submit to the Regional Secretary current branch email and postal addresses for communications with the Union.”

Rule G Branch Officers

Insert new Rule G 4.1.6: “A member shall hold only one of the branch secretary or branch treasurer posts at any one time, unless otherwise determined by the National Executive Council.”

Sure Start

Conference notes the disproportionate effects the cuts on public services will have on women, in particular cuts to Sure Start. Users of the services are almost exclusively women as are the staff employed. Sure Start provides vital services such as Early Years play and development, family bonding, speech and language and family support services to […]

Improvements to the State Pension

Conference is concerned at the ever-increasing discrepancy between the basic state pension and the poverty threshold. In 2009 the National Pensioners’ Convention’s figures state that the poverty threshold is £165 pw whilst the basic state pension is £97.25 pw, a discrepancy of £65.75 pw. Much of the blame for this can be laid at the […]